Janet Hitzeman

Also published as: J. Hitzeman


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SpatialML: Annotation Scheme, Corpora, and Tools
Inderjeet Mani | Janet Hitzeman | Justin Richer | Dave Harris | Rob Quimby | Ben Wellner
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08)

SpatialML is an annotation scheme for marking up references to places in natural language. It covers both named and nominal references to places, grounding them where possible with geo-coordinates, including both relative and absolute locations, and characterizes relationships among places in terms of a region calculus. A freely available annotation editor has been developed for SpatialML, along with a corpus of annotated documents released by the Linguistic Data Consortium. Inter-annotator agreement on SpatialML is 77.0 F-measure for extents on that corpus. An automatic tagger for SpatialML extents scores 78.5 F-measure. A disambiguator scores 93.0 F-measure and 93.4 Predictive Accuracy. In adapting the extent tagger to new domains, merging the training data from the above corpus with annotated data in the new domain provides the best performance.

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A Corpus for Cross-Document Co-reference
David Day | Janet Hitzeman | Michael Wick | Keith Crouch | Massimo Poesio
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08)

This paper describes a newly created text corpus of news articles that has been annotated for cross-document co-reference. Being able to robustly resolve references to entities across document boundaries will provide a useful capability for a variety of tasks, ranging from practical information retrieval applications to challenging research in information extraction and natural language understanding. This annotated corpus is intended to encourage the development of systems that can more accurately address this problem. A manual annotation tool was developed that allowed the complete corpus to be searched for likely co-referring entity mentions. This corpus of 257K words links mentions of co-referent people, locations and organizations (subject to some additional constraints). Each of the documents had already been annotated for within-document co-reference by the LDC as part of the ACE series of evaluations. The annotation process was bootstrapped with a string-matching-based linking procedure, and we report on some of initial experimentation with the data. The cross-document linking information will be made publicly available.


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Maytag: A Multi-Staged Approach to Identifying Complex Events in Textual Data
Conrad Chang | Lisa Ferro | John Gibson | Janet Hitzeman | Suzi Lubar | Justin Palmer | Sean Munson | Marc Vilain | Benjamin Wellner


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Centering: A Parametric Theory and Its Instantiations
Massimo Poesio | Rosemary Stevenson | Barbara Di Eugenio | Janet Hitzeman
Computational Linguistics, Volume 30, Number 3, September 2004

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Learning to Resolve Bridging References
Massimo Poesio | Rahul Mehta | Axel Maroudas | Janet Hitzeman
Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-04)


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Specifying the Parameters of Centering Theory: a Corpus-Based Evaluation using Text from Application-Oriented Domains
M. Poesio | H. Cheng | R. Henschel | J. Hitzeman | R. Kibble | R. Stevenson
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics


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Long Distance Pronominalisation and Global Focus
Janet Hitzeman | Massimo Poesio
COLING 1998 Volume 1: The 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

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Long Distance Pronominalisation and Global Focus
Janet Hitzeman | Massimo Poesio
36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Volume 1

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Integrating Referring and Informing in NP Planning
Michael O’Donnell | Hua Cheng | Janet Hitzeman
The Computational Treatment of Nominals


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Algorithms for Analysing the Temporal Structure of Discourse
Janet Hitzeman | Marc Moens | Claire Grover
Seventh Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics