Adam Meyers
Also published as: A. Meyers
Semantic Role Labeling of NomBank Partitives
Adam Meyers
Advait Pravin Savant
John E. Ortega
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Towards Better Inclusivity: A Diverse Tweet Corpus of English Varieties
Nhi Pham
Lachlan Pham
Adam Meyers
Proceedings of The 18th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW-XVIII)
Classification of US Supreme Court Cases Using BERT-Based Techniques
Shubham Vatsal
Adam Meyers
John E. Ortega
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing
On Breadth Alone: Improving the Precision of Terminology Extraction Systems on Patent Corpora
Sean Nordquist
Adam Meyers
Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2022
Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2019
Nikolaos Aletras
Elliott Ash
Leslie Barrett
Daniel Chen
Adam Meyers
Daniel Preotiuc-Pietro
David Rosenberg
Amanda Stent
Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2019
Letting a Neural Network Decide Which Machine Translation System to Use for Black-Box Fuzzy-Match Repair
John E. Ortega
Weiyi Lu
Adam Meyers
Kyunghyun Cho
Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation
Proceedings of the 9th Linguistic Annotation Workshop
Adam Meyers
Ines Rehbein
Heike Zinsmeister
Proceedings of the 9th Linguistic Annotation Workshop
Corpus and Method for Identifying Citations in Non-Academic Text
Yifan He
Adam Meyers
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14)
Annotating Relations in Scientific Articles
Adam Meyers
Giancarlo Lee
Angus Grieve-Smith
Yifan He
Harriet Taber
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14)
Proceedings of the COLING Workshop on Synchronic and Diachronic Approaches to Analyzing Technical Language
Adam Meyers
Yifan He
Ralph Grishman
Proceedings of the COLING Workshop on Synchronic and Diachronic Approaches to Analyzing Technical Language
Jargon-Term Extraction by Chunking
Adam Meyers
Zachary Glass
Angus Grieve-Smith
Yifan He
Shasha Liao
Ralph Grishman
Proceedings of the COLING Workshop on Synchronic and Diachronic Approaches to Analyzing Technical Language
Towards Fine-grained Citation Function Classification
Xiang Li
Yifan He
Adam Meyers
Ralph Grishman
Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing RANLP 2013
Contrasting and Corroborating Citations in Journal Articles
Adam Meyers
Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing RANLP 2013
A Preliminary Study of Tweet Summarization using Information Extraction
Wei Xu
Ralph Grishman
Adam Meyers
Alan Ritter
Proceedings of the Workshop on Language Analysis in Social Media
Proceedings of the 5th Linguistic Annotation Workshop
Nancy Ide
Adam Meyers
Sameer Pradhan
Katrin Tomanek
Proceedings of the 5th Linguistic Annotation Workshop
Improving MT Word Alignment Using Aligned Multi-Stage Parses
Adam Meyers
Michiko Kosaka
Shasha Liao
Nianwen Xue
Proceedings of Fifth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation
The Role of Implicit Argumentation in Nominal SRL
Matthew Gerber
Joyce Chai
Adam Meyers
Proceedings of Human Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Who, What, When, Where, Why? Comparing Multiple Approaches to the Cross-Lingual 5W Task
Kristen Parton
Kathleen R. McKeown
Bob Coyne
Mona T. Diab
Ralph Grishman
Dilek Hakkani-Tür
Mary Harper
Heng Ji
Wei Yun Ma
Adam Meyers
Sara Stolbach
Ang Sun
Gokhan Tur
Wei Xu
Sibel Yaman
Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 47th Annual Meeting of the ACL and the 4th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing of the AFNLP
The CoNLL-2009 Shared Task: Syntactic and Semantic Dependencies in Multiple Languages
Jan Hajič
Massimiliano Ciaramita
Richard Johansson
Daisuke Kawahara
Maria Antònia Martí
Lluís Màrquez
Adam Meyers
Joakim Nivre
Sebastian Padó
Jan Štěpánek
Pavel Straňák
Mihai Surdeanu
Nianwen Xue
Yi Zhang
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL 2009): Shared Task
Automatic Recognition of Logical Relations for English, Chinese and Japanese in the GLARF Framework
Adam Meyers
Michiko Kosaka
Nianwen Xue
Heng Ji
Ang Sun
Shasha Liao
Wei Xu
Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Evaluations: Recent Achievements and Future Directions (SEW-2009)
Proceedings of the Third Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW III)
Manfred Stede
Chu-Ren Huang
Nancy Ide
Adam Meyers
Proceedings of the Third Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW III)
Transducing Logical Relations from Automatic and Manual GLARF
Adam Meyers
Michiko Kosaka
Heng Ji
Nianwen Xue
Mary Harper
Ang Sun
Wei Xu
Shasha Liao
Proceedings of the Third Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW III)
The CoNLL 2008 Shared Task on Joint Parsing of Syntactic and Semantic Dependencies
Mihai Surdeanu
Richard Johansson
Adam Meyers
Lluís Màrquez
Joakim Nivre
CoNLL 2008: Proceedings of the Twelfth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning
Proceedings of the Linguistic Annotation Workshop
Branimir Boguraev
Nancy Ide
Adam Meyers
Shigeko Nariyama
Manfred Stede
Janyce Wiebe
Graham Wilcock
Proceedings of the Linguistic Annotation Workshop
Shared Corpora Working Group Report
Adam Meyers
Nancy Ide
Ludovic Denoyer
Yusuke Shinyama
Proceedings of the Linguistic Annotation Workshop
Proceedings of the Workshop on Frontiers in Linguistically Annotated Corpora 2006
Timothy Baldwin
Francis Bond
Adam Meyers
Shigeko Nariyama
Proceedings of the Workshop on Frontiers in Linguistically Annotated Corpora 2006
Annotation Compatibility Working Group Report
Adam Meyers
Proceedings of the Workshop on Frontiers in Linguistically Annotated Corpora 2006
Proceedings of the Workshop on Frontiers in Corpus Annotations II: Pie in the Sky
Adam Meyers
Proceedings of the Workshop on Frontiers in Corpus Annotations II: Pie in the Sky
Introduction to Frontiers in Corpus Annotation II: Pie in the Sky
Adam Meyers
Proceedings of the Workshop on Frontiers in Corpus Annotations II: Pie in the Sky
Merging PropBank, NomBank, TimeBank, Penn Discourse Treebank and Coreference
James Pustejovsky
Adam Meyers
Martha Palmer
Massimo Poesio
Proceedings of the Workshop on Frontiers in Corpus Annotations II: Pie in the Sky
Discriminative Slot Detection Using Kernel Methods
Shubin Zhao
Adam Meyers
Ralph Grishman
COLING 2004: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
The Cross-Breeding of Dictionaries
Adam Meyers
Ruth Reeves
Catherine Macleod
Rachel Szekely
Veronika Zielinska
Brian Young
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’04)
Annotating Noun Argument Structure for NomBank
Adam Meyers
Ruth Reeves
Catherine Macleod
Rachel Szekely
Veronika Zielinska
Brian Young
Ralph Grishman
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’04)
NP-External Arguments: A Study of Argument Sharing in English
Adam Meyers
Ruth Reeves
Catherine Macleod
Proceedings of the Workshop on Multiword Expressions: Integrating Processing
Introduction to Frontiers in Corpus Annotation
Adam Meyers
Proceedings of the Workshop Frontiers in Corpus Annotation at HLT-NAACL 2004
The NomBank Project: An Interim Report
Adam Meyers
Ruth Reeves
Catherine Macleod
Rachel Szekely
Veronika Zielinska
Brian Young
Ralph Grishman
Proceedings of the Workshop Frontiers in Corpus Annotation at HLT-NAACL 2004
Formal Mechanisms for Capturing Regularizations
Adam Meyers
Ralph Grishman
Michiko Kosaka
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’02)
Covering Treebanks with GLARF
A. Meyers
Ralph Grishman
Michiko Kosaka
Shubin Zhao
Proceedings of the ACL 2001 Workshop on Sharing Tools and Resources
Chart-Based Transfer Rule Application in Machine Translation
Adam Meyers
Michiko Kosaka
Ralph Grishman
COLING 2000 Volume 1: The 18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
A multilingual procedure for dictionary-based sentence alignment
Adam Meyers
Michiko Kosaka
Ralph Grishman
Proceedings of the Third Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas: Technical Papers
Deriving Transfer Rules from Dominance-Preserving Alignments
Adam Meyers
Roman Yangarber
Ralph Grishman
Catherine Macleod
Antonio Moreno-Sandoval
COLING 1998 Volume 2: The 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Deriving Transfer Rules from Dominance-Preserving Alignments
Adam Meyers
Roman Yangarber
Ralph Grishman
Catherine Macleod
Antonio Moreno-Sandoval
36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Volume 2
Using NOMLEX to Produce Nominalization Patterns for Information Extraction
Adam Meyers
Catherine Macleod
Roman Yangarber
Ralph Grishman
Leslie Barrett
Ruth Reeves
The Computational Treatment of Nominals
Alignment of Shared Forests for Bilingual Corpora
Adam Meyers
Roman Yangarber
Ralph Grishman
COLING 1996 Volume 1: The 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
The Influence of Tagging on the Classification of Lexical Complements
Catherine Macleod
Adam Meyers
Ralph Grishman
COLING 1996 Volume 1: The 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Comlex Syntax: Building a Computational Lexicon
Ralph Grishman
Catherine Macleod
Adam Meyers
COLING 1994 Volume 1: The 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
The Comlex Syntax Project: The First Year
Catherine Macleod
Ralph Grishman
Adam Meyers
Human Language Technology: Proceedings of a Workshop held at Plainsboro, New Jersey, March 8-11, 1994
A Unification-Based Parser for Relational Grammar
David E. Johnson
Adam Meyers
Lawrence S. Moss
31st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
- Ralph Grishman 19
- Catherine Macleod 10
- Michiko Kosaka 7
- Yifan He 5
- Ruth Reeves 5
- show all...
- Nancy Ide 4
- Shasha Liao 4
- Wei Xu 4
- Nianwen Xue 4
- Roman Yangarber 4
- Heng Ji 3
- John E. Ortega 3
- Ang Sun 3
- Rachel Szekely 3
- Brian Young 3
- Veronika Zielinska 3
- Leslie Barrett 2
- Angus Grieve-Smith 2
- Mary Harper 2
- Richard Johansson 2
- Antonio Moreno-Sandoval 2
- Lluís Màrquez 2
- Shigeko Nariyama 2
- Joakim Nivre 2
- Manfred Stede 2
- Mihai Surdeanu 2
- Shubin Zhao 2
- Nikolaos Aletras 1
- Elliott Ash 1
- Timothy Baldwin 1
- Branimir Boguraev 1
- Francis Bond 1
- Joyce Chai 1
- Daniel Chen 1
- Kyunghyun Cho 1
- Massimiliano Ciaramita 1
- Bob Coyne 1
- Ludovic Denoyer 1
- Mona Diab 1
- Matthew Gerber 1
- Zachary Glass 1
- Jan Hajic 1
- Dilek Hakkani-Tur 1
- Chu-Ren Huang 1
- David E. Johnson 1
- Daisuke Kawahara 1
- Giancarlo Lee 1
- Xiang Li (李翔) 1
- Weiyi Liu 1
- Wei-Yun Ma 1
- M. Antònia Martí 1
- Kathleen McKeown 1
- Lawrence S. Moss 1
- Sean Nordquist 1
- Sebastian Padó 1
- Martha Palmer 1
- Kristen Parton 1
- Nhi Pham 1
- Lachlan Pham 1
- Massimo Poesio 1
- Sameer Pradhan 1
- Daniel Preoţiuc-Pietro 1
- James Pustejovsky 1
- Ines Rehbein 1
- Alan Ritter 1
- David Rosenberg 1
- Advait Pravin Savant 1
- Yusuke Shinyama 1
- Amanda Stent 1
- Sara Stolbach 1
- Pavel Straňák 1
- Harriet Taber 1
- Katrin Tomanek 1
- Gokhan Tur 1
- Shubham Vatsal 1
- Janyce Wiebe 1
- Graham Wilcock 1
- Sibel Yaman 1
- Yi Zhang 1
- Heike Zinsmeister 1
- Jan Štěpánek 1