Călina Ciocoiu
LinguisTech at SemEval-2024 Task 10: Emotion Discovery and Reasoning its Flip in Conversation
Mihaela Alexandru
Călina Ciocoiu
Ioana Măniga
Octavian Ungureanu
Daniela Gîfu
Diana Trandăbăț
Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2024)
The “Emotion Discovery and Reasoning Its Flip in Conversation” task at the SemEval 2024 competition focuses on the automatic recognition of emotion flips, triggered within multi-party textual conversations. This paper proposes a novel approach that draws a parallel between a mixed strategy and a comparative strategy, contrasting a Rule-Based Function with Named Entity Recognition (NER)—an approach that shows promise in understanding speaker-specific emotional dynamics. Furthermore, this method surpasses the performance of both DistilBERT and RoBERTa models, demonstrating competitive effectiveness in detecting emotion flips triggered in multi-party textual conversations, achieving a 70% F1-score. This system was ranked 6th in the SemEval 2024 competition for Subtask 3.