Information Extraction from German Patient Records via Hybrid Parsing and Relation Extraction Strategies
Hans-Ulrich Krieger
Christian Spurk
Hans Uszkoreit
Feiyu Xu
Yi Zhang
Frank Müller
Thomas Tolxdorff
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14)
In this paper, we report on first attempts and findings to analyzing German patient records, using a hybrid parsing architecture and a combination of two relation extraction strategies. On a practical level, we are interested in the extraction of concepts and relations among those concepts, a necessary cornerstone for building medical information systems. The parsing pipeline consists of a morphological analyzer, a robust chunk parser adapted to Latin phrases used in medical diagnosis, a repair rule stage, and a probabilistic context-free parser that respects the output from the chunker. The relation extraction stage is a combination of two systems: SProUT, a shallow processor which uses hand-written rules to discover relation instances from local text units and DARE which extracts relation instances from complete sentences, using rules that are learned in a bootstrapping process, starting with semantic seeds. Two small experiments have been carried out for the parsing pipeline and the relation extraction stage.
META-SHARE: One year after
Stelios Piperidis
Harris Papageorgiou
Christian Spurk
Georg Rehm
Khalid Choukri
Olivier Hamon
Nicoletta Calzolari
Riccardo del Gratta
Bernardo Magnini
Christian Girardi
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14)
This paper presents META-SHARE (www.meta-share.eu), an open language resource infrastructure, and its usage since its Europe-wide deployment in early 2013. META-SHARE is a network of repositories that store language resources (data, tools and processing services) documented with high-quality metadata, aggregated in central inventories allowing for uniform search and access. META-SHARE was developed by META-NET (www.meta-net.eu) and aims to serve as an important component of a language technology marketplace for researchers, developers, professionals and industrial players, catering for the full development cycle of language technology, from research through to innovative products and services. The observed usage in its initial steps, the steadily increasing number of network nodes, resources, users, queries, views and downloads are all encouraging and considered as supportive of the choices made so far. In tandem, take-up activities like direct linking and processing of datasets by language processing services as well as metadata transformation to RDF are expected to open new avenues for data and resources linking and boost the organic growth of the infrastructure while facilitating language technology deployment by much wider research communities and industrial sectors.
A Fully Coreference-annotated Corpus of Scholarly Papers from the ACL Anthology
Ulrich Schäfer
Christian Spurk
Jörg Steffen
Proceedings of COLING 2012: Posters
The ACL Anthology Searchbench
Ulrich Schäfer
Bernd Kiefer
Christian Spurk
Jörg Steffen
Rui Wang
Proceedings of the ACL-HLT 2011 System Demonstrations
Entailment-based Question Answering for Structured Data
Bogdan Sacaleanu
Constantin Orasan
Christian Spurk
Shiyan Ou
Oscar Ferrandez
Milen Kouylekov
Matteo Negri
Coling 2008: Companion volume: Demonstrations
Development and Alignment of a Domain-Specific Ontology for Question Answering
Shiyan Ou
Viktor Pekar
Constantin Orasan
Christian Spurk
Matteo Negri
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08)
With the appearance of Semantic Web technologies, it becomes possible to develop novel, sophisticated question answering systems, where ontologies are usually used as the core knowledge component. In the EU-funded project, QALL-ME, a domain-specific ontology was developed and applied for question answering in the domain of tourism, along with the assistance of two upper ontologies for concept expansion and reasoning. This paper focuses on the development of the QALL-ME ontology in the tourism domain and its alignment with the upper ontologies - WordNet and SUMO. The design of the ontology is presented in the paper, and a semi-automatic alignment procedure is described with some alignment results given as well. Furthermore, the aligned ontology was used to semantically annotate original data obtained from the tourism web sites and natural language questions. The storage schema of the annotated data and the data access method for retrieving answers from the annotated data are also reported in the paper.