MedDialog-FR: A French Version of the MedDialog Corpus for Multi-label Classification and Response Generation Related to Women’s Intimate Health
Xingyu Liu
Vincent Segonne
Aidan Mannion
Didier Schwab
Lorraine Goeuriot
François Portet
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Patient-Oriented Language Processing (CL4Health) @ LREC-COLING 2024
This article presents MedDialog-FR, a large publicly available corpus of French medical conversations for the medical domain. Motivated by the lack of French dialogue corpora for data-driven dialogue systems and the paucity of available information related to women’s intimate health, we introduce an annotated corpus of question-and-answer dialogues between a real patient and a real doctor concerning women’s intimate health. The corpus is composed of about 20,000 dialogues automatically translated from the English version of MedDialog-EN. The corpus test set is composed of 1,400 dialogues that have been manually post-edited and annotated with 22 categories from the UMLS ontology. We also fine-tuned state-of-the-art reference models to automatically perform multi-label classification and response generation to give an initial performance benchmark and highlight the difficulty of the tasks.
Audiocite.net un grand corpus d’enregistrements vocaux de lecture en français
Soline Felice
Solène Evain
Solange Rossato
François Portet
Actes des 35èmes Journées d'Études sur la Parole
L’arrivée de l’apprentissage auto-supervisé dans le domaine du traitement automatique de la parole a permis l’utilisation de grands corpus non étiquetés pour obtenir des modèles pré-appris utilisés comme encodeurs des signaux de parole pour de nombreuses tâches. Toutefois, l’application de ces méthodes de SSL sur des langues telles que le français s’est montrée difficile due à la quantité limitée de corpus de parole du français publiquement accessible. C’est dans cet objectif que nous présentons le corpus Audiocite.net comprenant 6682 heures d’enregistrements de lecture par 130 locuteurs et locutrices. Ce corpus est construit à partir de livres audio provenant du site audiocite.net. En plus de décrire le processus de création et les statistiques obtenues, nous montrons également l’impact de ce corpus sur les modèles du projet LeBenchmark dans leurs versions 14k pour des tâches de traitement automatique de la parole.
Jargon : Une suite de modèles de langues et de référentiels d’évaluation pour les domaines spécialisés du français
Vincent Segonne
Aidan Mannion
Laura Alonzo-Canul
Audibert Alexandre
Xingyu Liu
Cécile Macaire
Adrien Pupier
Yongxin Zhou
Mathilde Aguiar
Felix Herron
Magali Norré
Massih-Reza Amini
Pierrette Bouillon
Iris Eshkol Taravella
Emmanuelle Esparança-Rodier
Thomas François
Lorraine Goeuriot
Jérôme Goulian
Mathieu Lafourcade
Benjamin Lecouteux
François Portet
Fabien Ringeval
Vincent Vandeghinste
Maximin Coavoux
Marco Dinarelli
Didier Schwab
Actes de la 31ème Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, volume 2 : traductions d'articles publiès
Les modèles de langue préentraînés (PLM) constituent aujourd’hui de facto l’épine dorsale de la plupart des systèmes de traitement automatique des langues. Dans cet article, nous présentons Jargon, une famille de PLMs pour des domaines spécialisés du français, en nous focalisant sur trois domaines : la parole transcrite, le domaine clinique / biomédical, et le domaine juridique. Nous utilisons une architecture de transformeur basée sur des méthodes computationnellement efficaces(LinFormer) puisque ces domaines impliquent souvent le traitement de longs documents. Nous évaluons et comparons nos modèles à des modèles de l’état de l’art sur un ensemble varié de tâches et de corpus d’évaluation, dont certains sont introduits dans notre article. Nous rassemblons les jeux de données dans un nouveau référentiel d’évaluation en langue française pour ces trois domaines. Nous comparons également diverses configurations d’entraînement : préentraînement prolongé en apprentissage autosupervisé sur les données spécialisées, préentraînement à partir de zéro, ainsi que préentraînement mono et multi-domaines. Nos expérimentations approfondies dans des domaines spécialisés montrent qu’il est possible d’atteindre des performances compétitives en aval, même lors d’un préentraînement avec le mécanisme d’attention approximatif de LinFormer. Pour une reproductibilité totale, nous publions les modèles et les données de préentraînement, ainsi que les corpus utilisés.
Audiocite.net : A Large Spoken Read Dataset in French
Soline Felice
Solene Virginie Evain
Solange Rossato
François Portet
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)
The advent of self-supervised learning (SSL) in speech processing has allowed the use of large unlabeled datasets to learn pre-trained models, serving as powerful encoders for various downstream tasks. However, the application of these SSL methods to languages such as French has proved difficult due to the scarcity of large French speech datasets. To advance the emergence of pre-trained models for French speech, we present the Audiocite.net corpus composed of 6,682 hours of recordings from 130 readers. This corpus is composed of audiobooks from the audiocite.net website, shared by 130 readers. In addition to describing the creation process and final statistics, we also show how this dataset impacted the models of LeBenchmark project in its 14k version for speech processing downstream tasks.
FRACAS: a FRench Annotated Corpus of Attribution relations in newS
Ange Richard
Laura Cristina Alonzo Canul
François Portet
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)
Quotation extraction is a widely useful task both from a sociological and from a Natural Language Processing perspective. However, very little data is available to study this task in languages other than English. In this paper, we present FRACAS, a manually annotated corpus of 1,676 newswire texts in French for quotation extraction and source attribution. We first describe the composition of our corpus and the choices that were made in selecting the data. We then detail the annotation guidelines, the annotation process and give relevant statistics about our corpus. We give results for the inter-annotator agreement, which is substantially high for such a difficult linguistic phenomenon. We use this new resource to test the ability of a neural state-of-the-art relation extraction system to extract quotes and their source and we compare this model to the latest available system for quotation extraction for the French language, which is rule-based. Experiments using our dataset on the state-of-the-art system show very promising results considering the difficulty of the task at hand.
Jargon: A Suite of Language Models and Evaluation Tasks for French Specialized Domains
Vincent Segonne
Aidan Mannion
Laura Cristina Alonzo Canul
Alexandre Daniel Audibert
Xingyu Liu
Cécile Macaire
Adrien Pupier
Yongxin Zhou
Mathilde Aguiar
Felix E. Herron
Magali Norré
Massih R Amini
Pierrette Bouillon
Iris Eshkol-Taravella
Emmanuelle Esperança-Rodier
Thomas François
Lorraine Goeuriot
Jérôme Goulian
Mathieu Lafourcade
Benjamin Lecouteux
François Portet
Fabien Ringeval
Vincent Vandeghinste
Maximin Coavoux
Marco Dinarelli
Didier Schwab
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)
Pretrained Language Models (PLMs) are the de facto backbone of most state-of-the-art NLP systems. In this paper, we introduce a family of domain-specific pretrained PLMs for French, focusing on three important domains: transcribed speech, medicine, and law. We use a transformer architecture based on efficient methods (LinFormer) to maximise their utility, since these domains often involve processing long documents. We evaluate and compare our models to state-of-the-art models on a diverse set of tasks and datasets, some of which are introduced in this paper. We gather the datasets into a new French-language evaluation benchmark for these three domains. We also compare various training configurations: continued pretraining, pretraining from scratch, as well as single- and multi-domain pretraining. Extensive domain-specific experiments show that it is possible to attain competitive downstream performance even when pre-training with the approximative LinFormer attention mechanism. For full reproducibility, we release the models and pretraining data, as well as contributed datasets.
PSentScore: Evaluating Sentiment Polarity in Dialogue Summarization
Yongxin Zhou
Fabien Ringeval
François Portet
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)
Automatic dialogue summarization is a well-established task with the goal of distilling the most crucial information from human conversations into concise textual summaries. However, most existing research has predominantly focused on summarizing factual information, neglecting the affective content, which can hold valuable insights for analyzing, monitoring, or facilitating human interactions. In this paper, we introduce and assess a set of measures PSentScore, aimed at quantifying the preservation of affective content in dialogue summaries. Our findings indicate that state-of-the-art summarization models do not preserve well the affective content within their summaries. Moreover, we demonstrate that a careful selection of the training set for dialogue samples can lead to improved preservation of affective content in the generated summaries, albeit with a minor reduction in content-related metrics.
Unraveling Spontaneous Speech Dimensions for Cross-Corpus ASR System Evaluation for French
Solene Virginie Evain
Solange Rossato
François Portet
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)
Many papers on speech processing use the term ‘spontaneous speech’ as a catch-all term for situations like speaking with a friend, being interviewed on radio/TV or giving a lecture. However, Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems performance seems to exhibit variation on this type of speech: the more spontaneous the speech, the higher the WER (Word Error Rate). Our study focuses on better understanding the elements influencing the levels of spontaneity in order to evaluate the relation between categories of spontaneity and ASR systems performance and improve the recognition on those categories. We first analyzed the literature, listed and unraveled those elements, and finally identified four axes: the situation of communication, the level of intimacy between speakers, the channel and the type of communication. Then, we trained ASR systems and measured the impact of instances of face-to-face interaction labeled with the previous dimensions (different levels of spontaneity) on WER. We made two axes vary and found that both dimensions have an impact on the WER. The situation of communication seems to have the biggest impact on spontaneity: ASR systems give better results for situations like an interview than for friends having a conversation at home.
A Survey of Evaluation Methods of Generated Medical Textual Reports
Yongxin Zhou
Fabien Ringeval
François Portet
Proceedings of the 5th Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop
Medical Report Generation (MRG) is a sub-task of Natural Language Generation (NLG) and aims to present information from various sources in textual form and synthesize salient information, with the goal of reducing the time spent by domain experts in writing medical reports and providing support information for decision-making. Given the specificity of the medical domain, the evaluation of automatically generated medical reports is of paramount importance to the validity of these systems. Therefore, in this paper, we focus on the evaluation of automatically generated medical reports from the perspective of automatic and human evaluation. We present evaluation methods for general NLG evaluation and how they have been applied to domain-specific medical tasks. The study shows that MRG evaluation methods are very diverse, and that further work is needed to build shared evaluation methods. The state of the art also emphasizes that such an evaluation must be task specific and include human assessments, requesting the participation of experts in the field.
Vers la compréhension automatique de la parole bout-en-bout à moindre effort (Towards automatic end-to-end speech understanding with less effort)
Marco Naguib
François Portet
Marco Dinarelli
Actes de la 29e Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles. Volume 1 : conférence principale
Les approches de compréhension automatique de la parole ont récemment bénéficié de l’apport de modèles préappris par autosupervision sur de gros corpus de parole. Pour le français, le projet LeBenchmark a rendu disponibles de tels modèles et a permis des évolutions impressionnantes sur plusieurs tâches dont la compréhension automatique de la parole. Ces avancées ont un coût non négligeable en ce qui concerne le temps de calcul et la consommation énergétique. Dans cet article, nous comparons plusieurs stratégies d’apprentissage visant à réduire le coût énergétique tout en conservant des performances compétitives. Les expériences sont effectuées sur le corpus MEDIA, et montrent qu’il est possible de réduire significativement le coût d’apprentissage tout en conservant des performances à l’état de l’art.
A Spoken Drug Prescription Dataset in French for Spoken Language Understanding
Ali Can Kocabiyikoglu
François Portet
Prudence Gibert
Hervé Blanchon
Jean-Marc Babouchkine
Gaëtan Gavazzi
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
Spoken medical dialogue systems are increasingly attracting interest to enhance access to healthcare services and improve quality and traceability of patient care. In this paper, we focus on medical drug prescriptions acquired on smartphones through spoken dialogue. Such systems would facilitate the traceability of care and would free the clinicians’ time. However, there is a lack of speech corpora to develop such systems since most of the related corpora are in text form and in English. To facilitate the research and development of spoken medical dialogue systems, we present, to the best of our knowledge, the first spoken medical drug prescriptions corpus, named PxNLU. It contains 4 hours of transcribed and annotated dialogues of drug prescriptions in French acquired through an experiment with 55 participants experts and non-experts in prescriptions. We also present some experiments that demonstrate the interest of this corpus for the evaluation and development of medical dialogue systems.
Effectiveness of French Language Models on Abstractive Dialogue Summarization Task
Yongxin Zhou
François Portet
Fabien Ringeval
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
Pre-trained language models have established the state-of-the-art on various natural language processing tasks, including dialogue summarization, which allows the reader to quickly access key information from long conversations in meetings, interviews or phone calls. However, such dialogues are still difficult to handle with current models because the spontaneity of the language involves expressions that are rarely present in the corpora used for pre-training the language models. Moreover, the vast majority of the work accomplished in this field has been focused on English. In this work, we present a study on the summarization of spontaneous oral dialogues in French using several language specific pre-trained models: BARThez, and BelGPT-2, as well as multilingual pre-trained models: mBART, mBARThez, and mT5. Experiments were performed on the DECODA (Call Center) dialogue corpus whose task is to generate abstractive synopses from call center conversations between a caller and one or several agents depending on the situation. Results show that the BARThez models offer the best performance far above the previous state-of-the-art on DECODA. We further discuss the limits of such pre-trained models and the challenges that must be addressed for summarizing spontaneous dialogues.
Citation Context Classification: Critical vs Non-critical
Sonita Te
Amira Barhoumi
Martin Lentschat
Frédérique Bordignon
Cyril Labbé
François Portet
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing
Recently, there have been numerous research in Natural Language Processing on citation analysis in scientific literature. Studies of citation behavior aim at finding how researchers cited a paper in their work. In this paper, we are interested in identifying cited papers that are criticized. Recent research introduces the concept of Critical citations which provides a useful theoretical framework, making criticism an important part of scientific progress. Indeed, identifying critics could be a way to spot errors and thus encourage self-correction of science. In this work, we investigate how to automatically classify the critical citation contexts using Natural Language Processing (NLP). Our classification task consists of predicting critical or non-critical labels for citation contexts. For this, we experiment and compare different methods, including rule-based and machine learning methods, to classify critical vs. non-critical citation contexts. Our experiments show that fine-tuning pretrained transformer model RoBERTa achieved the highest performance among all systems.
Multi3Generation: Multitask, Multilingual, Multimodal Language Generation
Anabela Barreiro
José GC de Souza
Albert Gatt
Mehul Bhatt
Elena Lloret
Aykut Erdem
Dimitra Gkatzia
Helena Moniz
Irene Russo
Fabio Kepler
Iacer Calixto
Marcin Paprzycki
François Portet
Isabelle Augenstein
Mirela Alhasani
Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation
This paper presents the Multitask, Multilingual, Multimodal Language Generation COST Action – Multi3Generation (CA18231), an interdisciplinary network of research groups working on different aspects of language generation. This “meta-paper” will serve as reference for citations of the Action in future publications. It presents the objectives, challenges and a the links for the achieved outcomes.
Corpus Generation for Voice Command in Smart Home and the Effect of Speech Synthesis on End-to-End SLU
Thierry Desot
François Portet
Michel Vacher
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
Massive amounts of annotated data greatly contributed to the advance of the machine learning field. However such large data sets are often unavailable for novel tasks performed in realistic environments such as smart homes. In this domain, semantically annotated large voice command corpora for Spoken Language Understanding (SLU) are scarce, especially for non-English languages. We present the automatic generation process of a synthetic semantically-annotated corpus of French commands for smart-home to train pipeline and End-to-End (E2E) SLU models. SLU is typically performed through Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Natural Language Understanding (NLU) in a pipeline. Since errors at the ASR stage reduce the NLU performance, an alternative approach is End-to-End (E2E) SLU to jointly perform ASR and NLU. To that end, the artificial corpus was fed to a text-to-speech (TTS) system to generate synthetic speech data. All models were evaluated on voice commands acquired in a real smart home. We show that artificial data can be combined with real data within the same training set or used as a stand-alone training corpus. The synthetic speech quality was assessedby comparing it to real data using dynamic time warping (DTW).
Seq2SeqPy: A Lightweight and Customizable Toolkit for Neural Sequence-to-Sequence Modeling
Raheel Qader
François Portet
Cyril Labbe
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
We present Seq2SeqPy a lightweight toolkit for sequence-to-sequence modeling that prioritizes simplicity and ability to customize the standard architectures easily. The toolkit supports several known architectures such as Recurrent Neural Networks, Pointer Generator Networks, and transformer model. We evaluate the toolkit on two datasets and we show that the toolkit performs similarly or even better than a very widely used sequence-to-sequence toolkit.
Controllable Neural Natural Language Generation: comparison of state-of-the-art control strategies
Yuanmin Leng
François Portet
Cyril Labbé
Raheel Qader
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Natural Language Generation from the Semantic Web (WebNLG+)
Most NLG systems target text fluency and grammatical correctness, disregarding control over text structure and length. However, control over the output plays an important part in industrial NLG applications. In this paper, we study different strategies of control in triple-totext generation systems particularly from the aspects of text structure and text length. Regarding text structure, we present an approach that relies on aligning the input entities with the facts in the target side. It makes sure that the order and the distribution of entities in both the input and the text are the same. As for control over text length, we show two different approaches. One is to supply length constraint as input while the other is to force the end-ofsentence tag to be included at each step when using top-k decoding strategy. Finally, we propose four metrics to assess the degree to which these methods will affect a NLG system’s ability to control text structure and length. Our analyses demonstrate that all the methods enhance the system’s ability with a slight decrease in text fluency. In addition, constraining length at the input level performs much better than control at decoding level.
Fine-Grained Control of Sentence Segmentation and Entity Positioning in Neural NLG
Kritika Mehta
Raheel Qader
Cyril Labbe
François Portet
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Discourse Structure in Neural NLG
The move from pipeline Natural Language Generation (NLG) approaches to neural end-to-end approaches led to a loss of control in sentence planning operations owing to the conflation of intermediary micro-planning stages into a single model. Such control is highly necessary when the text should be tailored to respect some constraints such as which entity to be mentioned first, the entity position, the complexity of sentences, etc. In this paper, we introduce fine-grained control of sentence planning in neural data-to-text generation models at two levels - realization of input entities in desired sentences and realization of the input entities in the desired position among individual sentences. We show that by augmenting the input with explicit position identifiers, the neural model can achieve a great control over the output structure while keeping the naturalness of the generated text intact. Since sentence level metrics are not entirely suitable to evaluate this task, we used a metric specific to our task that accounts for the model’s ability to achieve control. The results demonstrate that the position identifiers do constraint the neural model to respect the intended output structure which can be useful in a variety of domains that require the generated text to be in a certain structure.
Semi-Supervised Neural Text Generation by Joint Learning of Natural Language Generation and Natural Language Understanding Models
Raheel Qader
François Portet
Cyril Labbé
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Natural Language Generation
In Natural Language Generation (NLG), End-to-End (E2E) systems trained through deep learning have recently gained a strong interest. Such deep models need a large amount of carefully annotated data to reach satisfactory performance. However, acquiring such datasets for every new NLG application is a tedious and time-consuming task. In this paper, we propose a semi-supervised deep learning scheme that can learn from non-annotated data and annotated data when available. It uses a NLG and a Natural Language Understanding (NLU) sequence-to-sequence models which are learned jointly to compensate for the lack of annotation. Experiments on two benchmark datasets show that, with limited amount of annotated data, the method can achieve very competitive results while not using any pre-processing or re-scoring tricks. These findings open the way to the exploitation of non-annotated datasets which is the current bottleneck for the E2E NLG system development to new applications.
Generation of Company descriptions using concept-to-text and text-to-text deep models: dataset collection and systems evaluation
Raheel Qader
Khoder Jneid
François Portet
Cyril Labbé
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Natural Language Generation
In this paper we study the performance of several state-of-the-art sequence-to-sequence models applied to generation of short company descriptions. The models are evaluated on a newly created and publicly available company dataset that has been collected from Wikipedia. The dataset consists of around 51K company descriptions that can be used for both concept-to-text and text-to-text generation tasks. Automatic metrics and human evaluation scores computed on the generated company descriptions show promising results despite the difficulty of the task as the dataset (like most available datasets) has not been originally designed for machine learning. In addition, we perform correlation analysis between automatic metrics and human evaluations and show that certain automatic metrics are more correlated to human judgments.
The CIRDO Corpus: Comprehensive Audio/Video Database of Domestic Falls of Elderly People
Michel Vacher
Saïda Bouakaz
Marc-Eric Bobillier Chaumon
Frédéric Aman
R. A. Khan
Slima Bekkadja
François Portet
Erwan Guillou
Solange Rossato
Benjamin Lecouteux
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16)
Ambient Assisted Living aims at enhancing the quality of life of older and disabled people at home thanks to Smart Homes. In particular, regarding elderly living alone at home, the detection of distress situation after a fall is very important to reassure this kind of population. However, many studies do not include tests in real settings, because data collection in this domain is very expensive and challenging and because of the few available data sets. The C IRDO corpus is a dataset recorded in realistic conditions in D OMUS , a fully equipped Smart Home with microphones and home automation sensors, in which participants performed scenarios including real falls on a carpet and calls for help. These scenarios were elaborated thanks to a field study involving elderly persons. Experiments related in a first part to distress detection in real-time using audio and speech analysis and in a second part to fall detection using video analysis are presented. Results show the difficulty of the task. The database can be used as standardized database by researchers to evaluate and compare their systems for elderly person’s assistance.
CirdoX: an on/off-line multisource speech and sound analysis software
Frédéric Aman
Michel Vacher
François Portet
William Duclot
Benjamin Lecouteux
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16)
Vocal User Interfaces in domestic environments recently gained interest in the speech processing community. This interest is due to the opportunity of using it in the framework of Ambient Assisted Living both for home automation (vocal command) and for call for help in case of distress situations, i.e. after a fall. C IRDO X, which is a modular software, is able to analyse online the audio environment in a home, to extract the uttered sentences and then to process them thanks to an ASR module. Moreover, this system perfoms non-speech audio event classification; in this case, specific models must be trained. The software is designed to be modular and to process on-line the audio multichannel stream. Some exemples of studies in which C IRDO X was involved are described. They were operated in real environment, namely a Living lab environment.
Acquisition et reconnaissance automatique d’expressions et d’appels vocaux dans un habitat. (Acquisition and recognition of expressions and vocal calls in a smart home)
Michel Vacher
Benjamin Lecouteux
Frédéric Aman
François Portet
Solange Rossato
Actes de la conférence conjointe JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2016. volume 1 : JEP
Cet article présente un système capable de reconnaître les appels à l’aide de personnes âgées vivant à domicile afin de leur fournir une assistance. Le système utilise une technologie de Reconnaissance Automatique de la Parole (RAP) qui doit fonctionner en conditions de parole distante et avec de la parole expressive. Pour garantir l’intimité, le système s’exécute localement et ne reconnaît que des phrases prédéfinies. Le système a été évalué par 17 participants jouant des scénarios incluant des chutes dans un Living lab reproduisant un salon. Le taux d’erreur de détection obtenu, 29%, est encourageant et souligne les défis à surmonter pour cette tâche.
Proceedings of the 15th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation (ENLG)
Anya Belz
Albert Gatt
François Portet
Matthew Purver
Proceedings of the 15th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation (ENLG)
Generating Récit from Sensor Data: Evaluation of a Task Model for Story Planning and Preliminary Experiments with GPS Data
Belén A. Baez Miranda
Sybille Caffiau
Catherine Garbay
François Portet
Proceedings of the 15th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation (ENLG)
Proceedings of SLPAT 2015: 6th Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies
Jan Alexandersson
Ercan Altinsoy
Heidi Christensen
Peter Ljunglöf
François Portet
Frank Rudzicz
Proceedings of SLPAT 2015: 6th Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies
Recognition of Distress Calls in Distant Speech Setting: a Preliminary Experiment in a Smart Home
Michel Vacher
Benjamin Lecouteux
Frédéric Aman
Solange Rossato
François Portet
Proceedings of SLPAT 2015: 6th Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies
The Sweet-Home speech and multimodal corpus for home automation interaction
Michel Vacher
Benjamin Lecouteux
Pedro Chahuara
François Portet
Brigitte Meillon
Nicolas Bonnefond
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14)
Ambient Assisted Living aims at enhancing the quality of life of older and disabled people at home thanks to Smart Homes and Home Automation. However, many studies do not include tests in real settings, because data collection in this domain is very expensive and challenging and because of the few available data sets. The S WEET-H OME multimodal corpus is a dataset recorded in realistic conditions in D OMUS, a fully equipped Smart Home with microphones and home automation sensors, in which participants performed Activities of Daily living (ADL). This corpus is made of a multimodal subset, a French home automation speech subset recorded in Distant Speech conditions, and two interaction subsets, the first one being recorded by 16 persons without disabilities and the second one by 6 seniors and 5 visually impaired people. This corpus was used in studies related to ADL recognition, context aware interaction and distant speech recognition applied to home automation controled through voice.
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies
Jan Alexandersson
Peter Ljunglöf
Kathleen F. McCoy
François Portet
Brian Roark
Frank Rudzicz
Michel Vacher
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies
Analyzing the Performance of Automatic Speech Recognition for Ageing Voice: Does it Correlate with Dependency Level?
Frédéric Aman
Michel Vacher
Solange Rossato
François Portet
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies
Experimental Evaluation of Speech Recognition Technologies for Voice-based Home Automation Control in a Smart Home
Michel Vacher
Benjamin Lecouteux
Dan Istrate
Thierry Joubert
François Portet
Mohamed Sehili
Pedro Chahuara
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies
JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, Workshop ILADI 2012: Interactions Langagières pour personnes Agées Dans les habitats Intelligents (ILADI 2012: Language Interaction for Elderly in Smart Homes)
François Portet
Michel Vacher
Gilles Sérasset
JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, Workshop ILADI 2012: Interactions Langagières pour personnes Agées Dans les habitats Intelligents (ILADI 2012: Language Interaction for Elderly in Smart Homes)
Les technologies de la parole et du TALN pour l’assistance à domicile des personnes âgées : un rapide tour d’horizon (Quick tour of NLP and speech technologies for ambient assisted living) [in French]
François Portet
Michel Vacher
Solange Rossato
JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, Workshop ILADI 2012: Interactions Langagières pour personnes Agées Dans les habitats Intelligents (ILADI 2012: Language Interaction for Elderly in Smart Homes)
Reconnaissance d’ordres domotiques en conditions bruitées pour l’assistance à domicile (Recognition of Voice Commands by Multisource ASR and Noise Cancellation in a Smart Home Environment) [in French]
Benjamin Lecouteux
Michel Vacher
François Portet
JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, Workshop ILADI 2012: Interactions Langagières pour personnes Agées Dans les habitats Intelligents (ILADI 2012: Language Interaction for Elderly in Smart Homes)
Contribution à l’étude de la variabilité de la voix des personnes âgées en reconnaissance automatique de la parole (Contribution to the study of elderly people’s voice variability in automatic speech recognition) [in French]
Frédéric Aman
Michel Vacher
Solange Rossato
François Portet
JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, Workshop ILADI 2012: Interactions Langagières pour personnes Agées Dans les habitats Intelligents (ILADI 2012: Language Interaction for Elderly in Smart Homes)
Reconnaissance automatique de la parole distante dans un habitat intelligent : méthodes multi-sources en conditions réalistes (Distant Speech Recognition in a Smart Home : Comparison of Several Multisource ASRs in Realistic Conditions) [in French]
Benjamin Lecouteux
Michel Vacher
François Portet
Proceedings of the Joint Conference JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, volume 1: JEP
Etude de la performance des modèles acoustiques pour des voix de personnes âgées en vue de l’adaptation des systèmes de RAP (Assessment of the acoustic models performance in the ageing voice case for ASR system adaptation) [in French]
Frédéric Aman
Michel Vacher
Solange Rossato
Remus Dugheanu
François Portet
Juline le Grand
Yuko Sasa
Proceedings of the Joint Conference JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, volume 1: JEP
If it may have happened before, it happened, but not necessarily before
Albert Gatt
François Portet
Proceedings of the 13th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation
Textual Properties and Task-based Evaluation: Investigating the Role of Surface Properties, Structure and Content
Albert Gatt
François Portet
Proceedings of the 6th International Natural Language Generation Conference
Text Content and Task Performance in the Evaluation of a Natural Language Generation System
Albert Gatt
François Portet
Proceedings of the International Conference RANLP-2009
Le projet BabyTalk : génération de texte à partir de données hétérogènes pour la prise de décision en unité néonatale
François Portet
Albert Gatt
Jim Hunter
Ehud Reiter
Somayajulu Sripada
Actes de la 16ème conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles. Articles longs
Notre société génère une masse d’information toujours croissante, que ce soit en médecine, en météorologie, etc. La méthode la plus employée pour analyser ces données est de les résumer sous forme graphique. Cependant, il a été démontré qu’un résumé textuel est aussi un mode de présentation efficace. L’objectif du prototype BT-45, développé dans le cadre du projet Babytalk, est de générer des résumés de 45 minutes de signaux physiologiques continus et d’événements temporels discrets en unité néonatale de soins intensifs (NICU). L’article présente l’aspect génération de texte de ce prototype. Une expérimentation clinique a montré que les résumés humains améliorent la prise de décision par rapport à l’approche graphique, tandis que les textes de BT-45 donnent des résultats similaires à l’approche graphique. Une analyse a identifié certaines des limitations de BT-45 mais en dépit de cellesci, notre travail montre qu’il est possible de produire automatiquement des résumés textuels efficaces de données complexes.
The Importance of Narrative and Other Lessons from an Evaluation of an NLG System that Summarises Clinical Data
Ehud Reiter
Albert Gatt
François Portet
Marian van der Meulen
Proceedings of the Fifth International Natural Language Generation Conference