Hongchao Fang
An End-to-End Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning Framework for Language Understanding
Hongchao Fang
Pengtao Xie
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 10
Self-supervised learning (SSL) methods such as Word2vec, BERT, and GPT have shown great effectiveness in language understanding. Contrastive learning, as a recent SSL approach, has attracted increasing attention in NLP. Contrastive learning learns data representations by predicting whether two augmented data instances are generated from the same original data example. Previous contrastive learning methods perform data augmentation and contrastive learning separately. As a result, the augmented data may not be optimal for contrastive learning. To address this problem, we propose a four-level optimization framework that performs data augmentation and contrastive learning end-to-end, to enable the augmented data to be tailored to the contrastive learning task. This framework consists of four learning stages, including training machine translation models for sentence augmentation, pretraining a text encoder using contrastive learning, finetuning a text classification model, and updating weights of translation data by minimizing the validation loss of the classification model, which are performed in a unified way. Experiments on datasets in the GLUE benchmark (Wang et al., 2018a) and on datasets used in Gururangan et al. (2020) demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.
MedDialog: Large-scale Medical Dialogue Datasets
Guangtao Zeng
Wenmian Yang
Zeqian Ju
Yue Yang
Sicheng Wang
Ruisi Zhang
Meng Zhou
Jiaqi Zeng
Xiangyu Dong
Ruoyu Zhang
Hongchao Fang
Penghui Zhu
Shu Chen
Pengtao Xie
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)
Medical dialogue systems are promising in assisting in telemedicine to increase access to healthcare services, improve the quality of patient care, and reduce medical costs. To facilitate the research and development of medical dialogue systems, we build large-scale medical dialogue datasets – MedDialog, which contain 1) a Chinese dataset with 3.4 million conversations between patients and doctors, 11.3 million utterances, 660.2 million tokens, covering 172 specialties of diseases, and 2) an English dataset with 0.26 million conversations, 0.51 million utterances, 44.53 million tokens, covering 96 specialties of diseases. To our best knowledge, MedDialog is the largest medical dialogue dataset to date. We pretrain several dialogue generation models on the Chinese MedDialog dataset, including Transformer, GPT, BERT-GPT, and compare their performance. It is shown that models trained on MedDialog are able to generate clinically correct and doctor-like medical dialogues. We also study the transferability of models trained on MedDialog to low-resource medical dialogue generation tasks. It is shown that via transfer learning which finetunes the models pretrained on MedDialog, the performance on medical dialogue generation tasks with small datasets can be greatly improved, as shown in human evaluation and automatic evaluation. The datasets and code are available at https://github.com/UCSD-AI4H/Medical-Dialogue-System