Monte Carlo Tree Search Based Prompt Autogeneration for Jailbreak Attacks against LLMs
Suhuang Wu
Huimin Wang
Yutian Zhao
Xian Wu
Yefeng Zheng
Wei Li
Hui Li
Rongrong Ji
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Jailbreak attacks craft specific prompts or append adversarial suffixes to prompts, thereby inducing language models to generate harmful or unethical content and bypassing the model’s safety guardrails. With the recent blossom of large language models (LLMs), there’s a growing focus on jailbreak attacks to probe their safety. While current white-box attacks typically focus on meticulously identifying adversarial suffixes for specific models, their effectiveness and efficiency diminish when applied to different LLMs. In this paper, we propose a Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) based Prompt Auto-generation (MPA) method to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of attacks across various models. MPA automatically searches for and generates adversarial suffixes for valid jailbreak attacks. Specifically, we first identify a series of action candidates that could potentially trick LLMs into providing harmful responses. To streamline the exploration of adversarial suffixes, we design a prior confidence probability for each MCTS node. We then iteratively auto-generate adversarial prompts using the MCTS framework. Extensive experiments on multiple open-source models (like Llama, Gemma, and Mistral) and closed-source models (such as ChatGPT) show that our proposed MPA surpasses existing methods in search efficiency as well as attack effectiveness. The codes are available at https://github.com/KDEGroup/MPA.
imapScore: Medical Fact Evaluation Made Easy
Huimin Wang
Yutian Zhao
Xian Wu
Yefeng Zheng
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2024
Automatic evaluation of natural language generation (NLG) tasks has gained extensive research interests, since it can rapidly assess the performance of large language models (LLMs). However, automatic NLG evaluation struggles with medical QA because it fails to focus on the crucial correctness of medical facts throughout the generated text. To address this, this paper introduces a new data structure, imap, designed to capture key information in questions and answers, enabling evaluators to focus on essential details. The imap comprises three components: Query, Constraint, and Inform, each of which is in the form of term-value pairs to represent medical facts in a structural manner. We then introduce imapScore, which compares the corresponding medical term-value pairs in the imap to score generated texts. We utilize GPT-4 to extract imap from questions, human-annotated answers, and generated responses. To mitigate the diversity in medical terminology for fair term-value pairs comparison, we use a medical knowledge graph to assist GPT-4 in determining matches. To compare imapScore with existing NLG metrics, we establish a new benchmark dataset. The experimental results show that imapScore consistently outperforms state-of-the-art metrics, demonstrating an average improvement of 79.8% in correlation with human scores. Furthermore, incorporating imap into n-gram, embedding, and LLM metrics boosts the base versions, increasing correlation with human scores by averages of 89.9%, 81.7%, and 32.6%, respectively.
Can LLMs Replace Clinical Doctors? Exploring Bias in Disease Diagnosis by Large Language Models
Yutian Zhao
Huimin Wang
Yuqi Liu
Wu Suhuang
Xian Wu
Yefeng Zheng
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2024
The bias of disease prediction in Large Language Models (LLMs) is a critical yet underexplored issue, with potential implications for healthcare outcomes and equity. As LLMs increasingly find applications in healthcare, understanding and addressing their biases becomes paramount. This study focuses on this crucial topic, investigating the bias of disease prediction in models such as GPT-4, ChatGPT, and Qwen1.5-72b across gender, age range, and disease judgment behaviors. Utilizing a comprehensive real-clinical health record dataset of over 330,000 entries, we uncover that all three models exhibit distinct biases, indicating a pervasive issue of unfairness. To measure this, we introduce a novel metric–the diagnosis bias score, which reflects the ratio of prediction numbers to label numbers. Our in-depth analysis, based on this score, sheds light on the inherent biases in these models. In response to these findings, we propose a simple yet effective prompt-based solution to alleviate the observed bias in disease prediction with LLMs. This research underscores the importance of fairness in AI, particularly in healthcare applications, and offers a practical approach to enhance the equity of disease prediction models.
JoTR: A Joint Transformer and Reinforcement Learning Framework for Dialogue Policy Learning
Wai-Chung Kwan
Huimin Wang
Hongru Wang
Zezhong Wang
Bin Liang
Xian Wu
Yefeng Zheng
Kam-Fai Wong
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)
Dialogue policy learning (DPL) aims to determine an abstract representation (also known as action) to guide what the response should be. Typically, DPL is cast as a sequential decision problem across a series of predefined action candidates. However, such static and narrow actions can limit response diversity and impede the dialogue agent’s adaptability to new scenarios and edge cases. To overcome these challenges, we introduce a novel Joint Transformer Reinforcement Learning framework, coined as JoTR, where a text-to-text Transformer-based model is employed to directly generate dialogue actions. More concretely, JoTR formulates a token-grained policy, facilitating more dynamic and adaptable dialogue action generation without the need for predefined action candidates. This method not only enhances the diversity of responses but also significantly improves the system’s capability to manage unfamiliar scenarios. Furthermore, JoTR utilizes Reinforcement Learning with a reward-shaping mechanism to efficiently fine-tune the token-grained policy. This allows the model to evolve through interactions, thereby enhancing its performance over time. Our extensive evaluation demonstrates that JoTR surpasses previous state-of-the-art models, showing improvements of 9% and 13% in success rate, and 34% and 37% in the diversity of dialogue actions across two benchmark dialogue modeling tasks respectively. These results have been validated by both user simulators and human evaluators. Code and data are available at ://github.com/KwanWaiChung/JoTR.
MKeCL: Medical Knowledge-Enhanced Contrastive Learning for Few-shot Disease Diagnosis
Yutian Zhao
Huimin Wang
Xian Wu
Yefeng Zheng
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)
Artificial intelligence (AI)-aided disease prediction has gained extensive research interest due to its capability to support clinical decision-making. Existing works mainly formulate disease prediction as a multi-label classification problem and use historical Electronic Medical Records (EMR) to train supervised models. However, in real-world clinics, such purely data-driven approaches pose two main challenges: 1) long tail problem: there are excessive EMRs for common diseases and insufficient EMRs for rare diseases, thus training over an imbalanced data set could result in a biased model that ignores rare diseases in diagnosis; 2) easily misdiagnosed diseases: some diseases can be easily distinguished while others sharing analogous conditions are much more difficult. General classification models without emphasizing easily misdiagnosed diseases may generate incorrect predictions. To tackle these two problems, we propose a Medical Knowledge-Enhanced Contrastive Learning (MKeCL) approach to disease diagnosis in this paper. MKeCL incorporates medical knowledge graphs and medical licensing exams in modeling in order to compensate for the insufficient information on rare diseases; To handle hard-to-diagnose diseases, MKeCL introduces a contrastive learning strategy to separate diseases that are easily misdiagnosed. Moreover, we establish a new benchmark, named Jarvis-D, which contains clinical EMRs collected from various hospitals. Experiments on real clinical EMRs show that the proposed MKeCL outperforms existing disease prediction approaches, especially in the setting of few-shot and zero-shot scenarios.
CoAD: Automatic Diagnosis through Symptom and Disease Collaborative Generation
Huimin Wang
Wai Chung Kwan
Kam-Fai Wong
Yefeng Zheng
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)
Automatic diagnosis (AD), a critical application of AI in healthcare, employs machine learning techniques to assist doctors in gathering patient symptom information for precise disease diagnosis. The Transformer-based method utilizes an input symptom sequence, predicts itself through auto-regression, and employs the hidden state of the final symptom to determine the disease. Despite its simplicity and superior performance demonstrated, a decline in disease diagnosis accuracy is observed caused by 1) a mismatch between symptoms observed during training and generation, and 2) the effect of different symptom orders on disease prediction. To address the above obstacles, we introduce the CoAD, a novel disease and symptom collaborative generation framework, which incorporates several key innovations to improve AD: 1) aligning sentence-level disease labels with multiple possible symptom inquiry steps to bridge the gap between training and generation; 2) expanding symptom labels for each sub-sequence of symptoms to enhance annotation and eliminate the effect of symptom order; 3) developing a repeated symptom input schema to effectively and efficiently learn the expanded disease and symptom labels. We evaluate the CoAD framework using four datasets, including three public and one private, and demonstrate that it achieves an average 2.3% improvement over previous state-of-the-art results in automatic disease diagnosis. For reproducibility, we release the code and data at
UniTRec: A Unified Text-to-Text Transformer and Joint Contrastive Learning Framework for Text-based Recommendation
Zhiming Mao
Huimin Wang
Yiming Du
Kam-Fai Wong
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)
Prior study has shown that pretrained language models (PLM) can boost the performance of text-based recommendation. In contrast to previous works that either use PLM to encode user history as a whole input text, or impose an additional aggregation network to fuse multi-turn history representations, we propose a unified local- and global-attention Transformer encoder to better model two-level contexts of user history. Moreover, conditioned on user history encoded by Transformer encoders, our framework leverages Transformer decoders to estimate the language perplexity of candidate text items, which can serve as a straightforward yet significant contrastive signal for user-item text matching. Based on this, our framework, UniTRec, unifies the contrastive objectives of discriminative matching scores and candidate text perplexity to jointly enhance text-based recommendation. Extensive evaluation shows that UniTRec delivers SOTA performance on three text-based recommendation tasks.
Dialog Action-Aware Transformer for Dialog Policy Learning
Huimin Wang
Wai Chung Kwan
Kam-Fai Wong
Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue
Recent works usually address Dialog policy learning DPL by training a reinforcement learning (RL) agent to determine the best dialog action. However, existing works on deep RL require a large volume of agent-user interactions to achieve acceptable performance. In this paper, we propose to make full use of the plain text knowledge from the pre-trained language model to accelerate the RL agent’s learning speed. Specifically, we design a dialog action-aware transformer encoder (DaTrans), which integrates a new fine-tuning procedure named masked last action task to encourage DaTrans to be dialog-aware and distill action-specific features. Then, DaTrans is further optimized in an RL setting with ongoing interactions and evolves through exploration in the dialog action space toward maximizing long-term accumulated rewards. The effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed model are demonstrated with both simulator evaluation and human evaluation.
A Collaborative Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning Framework for Dialog Action Decomposition
Huimin Wang
Kam-Fai Wong
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Most reinforcement learning methods for dialog policy learning train a centralized agent that selects a predefined joint action concatenating domain name, intent type, and slot name. The centralized dialog agent suffers from a great many user-agent interaction requirements due to the large action space. Besides, designing the concatenated actions is laborious to engineers and maybe struggled with edge cases. To solve these problems, we model the dialog policy learning problem with a novel multi-agent framework, in which each part of the action is led by a different agent. The framework reduces labor costs for action templates and decreases the size of the action space for each agent. Furthermore, we relieve the non-stationary problem caused by the changing dynamics of the environment as evolving of agents’ policies by introducing a joint optimization process that makes agents can exchange their policy information. Concurrently, an independent experience replay buffer mechanism is integrated to reduce the dependence between gradients of samples to improve training efficiency. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is demonstrated in a multi-domain environment with both user simulator evaluation and human evaluation.
Learning Efficient Dialogue Policy from Demonstrations through Shaping
Huimin Wang
Baolin Peng
Kam-Fai Wong
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Training a task-oriented dialogue agent with reinforcement learning is prohibitively expensive since it requires a large volume of interactions with users. Human demonstrations can be used to accelerate learning progress. However, how to effectively leverage demonstrations to learn dialogue policy remains less explored. In this paper, we present Sˆ2Agent that efficiently learns dialogue policy from demonstrations through policy shaping and reward shaping. We use an imitation model to distill knowledge from demonstrations, based on which policy shaping estimates feedback on how the agent should act in policy space. Reward shaping is then incorporated to bonus state-actions similar to demonstrations explicitly in value space encouraging better exploration. The effectiveness of the proposed Sˆ2Agentt is demonstrated in three dialogue domains and a challenging domain adaptation task with both user simulator evaluation and human evaluation.