Isadora Salles
HateBRXplain: A Benchmark Dataset with Human-Annotated Rationales for Explainable Hate Speech Detection in Brazilian Portuguese
Isadora Salles
Francielle Vargas
Fabrício Benevenuto
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Nowadays, hate speech technologies are surely relevant in Brazil. Nevertheless, the inability of these technologies to provide reasons (rationales) for their decisions is the limiting factor to their adoption since they comprise bias, which may perpetuate social inequalities when propagated at scale. This scenario highlights the urgency of proposing explainable technologies to address hate speech. However, explainable models heavily depend on data availability with human-annotated rationales, which are scarce, especially for low-resource languages. To fill this relevant gap, we introduce HateBRXplain, the first benchmark dataset for hate speech detection in Portuguese, with text span annotations capturing rationales. We evaluated our corpus using mBERT, BERTimbau, DistilBERTimbau, and PTT5 models, which outperformed the current baselines. We further assessed these models’ explainability using model-agnostic explanation methods (LIME and SHAP). Results demonstrate plausible post-hoc explanations when compared to human annotations. However, the best-performing hate speech detection models failed to provide faithful rationales.
Improving Explainable Fact-Checking via Sentence-Level Factual Reasoning
Francielle Vargas
Isadora Salles
Diego Alves
Ameeta Agrawal
Thiago A. S. Pardo
Fabrício Benevenuto
Proceedings of the Seventh Fact Extraction and VERification Workshop (FEVER)
Most existing fact-checking systems are unable to explain their decisions by providing relevant rationales (justifications) for their predictions. It highlights a lack of transparency that poses significant risks, such as the prevalence of unexpected biases, which may increase political polarization due to limitations in impartiality. To address this critical gap, we introduce SEntence-Level FActual Reasoning (SELFAR), aimed at improving explainable fact-checking. SELFAR relies on fact extraction and verification by predicting the news source reliability and factuality (veracity) of news articles or claims at the sentence level, generating post-hoc explanations using SHAP/LIME and zero-shot prompts. Our experiments show that unreliable news stories predominantly consist of subjective statements, in contrast to reliable ones. Consequently, predicting unreliable news articles at the sentence level by analyzing impartiality and subjectivity is a promising approach for fact extraction and improving explainable fact-checking. Furthermore, LIME outperforms SHAP in explaining predictions on reliability. Additionally, while zero-shot prompts provide highly readable explanations and achieve an accuracy of 0.71 in predicting factuality, their tendency to hallucinate remains a challenge. Lastly, this paper also presents the first study on explainable fact-checking in the Portuguese language.