Maxime Lefrançois
Rationale, Concepts, and Current Outcome of the Unit Graphs Framework
Maxime Lefrançois
Fabien Gandon
Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing RANLP 2013
The Unit Graphs Framework: Foundational Concepts and Semantic Consequence
Maxime Lefrançois
Fabien Gandon
Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing RANLP 2013
ECD Knowledge Representation : Fundamental Concepts of the Unit Graphs Framework (Représentation des connaissances du DEC: Concepts fondamentaux du formalisme des Graphes d’Unités) [in French]
Maxime Lefrançois
Proceedings of RECITAL 2013
Reasoning with Dependency Structures and Lexicographic Definitions Using Unit Graphs
Maxime Lefrançois
Fabien Gandon
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Dependency Linguistics (DepLing 2013)