Mengqi Zhang


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Self-Supervised Position Debiasing for Large Language Models
Zhongkun Liu | Zheng Chen | Mengqi Zhang | Zhaochun Ren | Pengjie Ren | Zhumin Chen
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Fine-tuning has been demonstrated to be an effective method to improve the domain performance of large language models (LLMs). However, LLMs might fit the dataset bias and shortcuts for prediction, leading to poor generation performance. Previous works have proven that LLMs are prone to exhibit position bias, i.e., leveraging information positioned at the beginning or end, or specific positional cues within the input. Existing debiasing methods for LLMs require external bias knowledge or annotated non-biased samples, which is lacking for position debiasing and impractical in reality. In this work, we propose a self-supervised position debiasing (SOD) framework to mitigate position bias for LLMs. SOD leverages unsupervised responses from pre-trained LLMs for debiasing without relying on any external knowledge. To improve the quality of unsupervised responses, we propose an objective alignment (OAM) module to prune these responses. Experiments on eight datasets and five tasks show that SOD consistently outperforms existing methods in mitigating three types of position biases. Besides, SOD achieves this by sacrificing only a small performance on biased samples, which is general and effective. To facilitate the reproducibility of the results, we share the code of all methods and datasets on

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MELoRA: Mini-Ensemble Low-Rank Adapters for Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning
Pengjie Ren | Chengshun Shi | Shiguang Wu | Mengqi Zhang | Zhaochun Ren | Maarten Rijke | Zhumin Chen | Jiahuan Pei
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) is a popular method for tailoring pre-trained large language models (LLMs), especially as the models’ scale and the diversity of tasks increase. Low-rank adaptation (LoRA) is based on the idea that the adaptation process is intrinsically low-dimensional, i.e., significant model changes can be represented with relatively few parameters. However, decreasing the rank encounters challenges with generalization errors for specific tasks when compared to full-parameter fine-tuning. We present MELoRA, a mini-ensemble low-rank adapters that uses fewer trainable parameters while maintaining a higher rank, thereby offering improved performance potential.The core idea is to freeze original pretrained weights and train a group of mini LoRAs with only a small number of parameters. This can capture a significant degree of diversity among mini LoRAs, thus promoting better generalization ability. We conduct a theoretical analysis and empirical studies on various NLP tasks. Our experimental results show that, compared to LoRA, MELoRA achieves better performance with 8 times fewer trainable parameters on natural language understanding tasks and 36 times fewer trainable parameters on instruction following tasks, which demonstrates the effectiveness of MELoRA.


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Learning Latent Relations for Temporal Knowledge Graph Reasoning
Mengqi Zhang | Yuwei Xia | Qiang Liu | Shu Wu | Liang Wang
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Temporal Knowledge Graph (TKG) reasoning aims to predict future facts based on historical data. However, due to the limitations in construction tools and data sources, many important associations between entities may be omitted in TKG. We refer to these missing associations as latent relations. Most existing methods have some drawbacks in explicitly capturing intra-time latent relations between co-occurring entities and inter-time latent relations between entities that appear at different times. To tackle these problems, we propose a novel Latent relations Learning method for TKG reasoning, namely L2TKG. Specifically, we first utilize a Structural Encoder (SE) to obtain representations of entities at each timestamp. We then design a Latent Relations Learning (LRL) module to mine and exploit the intra- and inter-time latent relations. Finally, we extract the temporal representations from the output of SE and LRL for entity prediction. Extensive experiments on four datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of L2TKG.


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MetaTKG: Learning Evolutionary Meta-Knowledge for Temporal Knowledge Graph Reasoning
Yuwei Xia | Mengqi Zhang | Qiang Liu | Shu Wu | Xiao-Yu Zhang
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Reasoning over Temporal Knowledge Graphs (TKGs) aims to predict future facts based on given history. One of the key challenges for prediction is to learn the evolution of facts. Most existing works focus on exploring evolutionary information in history to obtain effective temporal embeddings for entities and relations, but they ignore the variation in evolution patterns of facts, which makes them struggle to adapt to future data with different evolution patterns. Moreover, new entities continue to emerge along with the evolution of facts over time. Since existing models highly rely on historical information to learn embeddings for entities, they perform poorly on such entities with little historical information. To tackle these issues, we propose a novel Temporal Meta-learning framework for TKG reasoning, MetaTKG for brevity. Specifically, our method regards TKG prediction as many temporal meta-tasks, and utilizes the designed Temporal Meta-learner to learn evolutionary meta-knowledge from these meta-tasks. The proposed method aims to guide the backbones to learn to adapt quickly to future data and deal with entities with little historical information by the learned meta-knowledge. Specially, in temporal meta-learner, we design a Gating Integration module to adaptively establish temporal correlations between meta-tasks. Extensive experiments on four widely-used datasets and three backbones demonstrate that our method can greatly improve the performance.