Successful conversational search systems can present natural, adaptive and interactive shopping experience for online shopping customers. However, building such systems from scratch faces real word challenges from both imperfect product schema/knowledge and lack of training dialog data. In this work we first propose ConvSearch, an end-to-end conversational search system that deeply combines the dialog system with search. It leverages the text profile to retrieve products, which is more robust against imperfect product schema/knowledge compared with using product attributes alone. We then address the lack of data challenges by proposing an utterance transfer approach that generates dialogue utterances by using existing dialog from other domains, and leveraging the search behavior data from e-commerce retailer. With utterance transfer, we introduce a new conversational search dataset for online shopping. Experiments show that our utterance transfer method can significantly improve the availability of training dialogue data without crowd-sourcing, and the conversational search system significantly outperformed the best tested baseline.
Sequence-to-sequence models have shown strong performance in a wide range of NLP tasks, yet their applications to sentence generation from logical representations are underdeveloped. In this paper, we present a sequence-to-sequence model for generating sentences from logical meaning representations based on event semantics. We use a semantic parsing system based on Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG) to obtain data annotated with logical formulas. We augment our sequence-to-sequence model with masking for predicates to constrain output sentences. We also propose a novel evaluation method for generation using Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE). Combining parsing and generation, we test whether or not the output sentence entails the original text and vice versa. Experiments showed that our model outperformed a baseline with respect to both BLEU scores and accuracies in RTE.
How to identify, extract, and use phrasal knowledge is a crucial problem for the task of Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE). To solve this problem, we propose a method for detecting paraphrases via natural deduction proofs of semantic relations between sentence pairs. Our solution relies on a graph reformulation of partial variable unifications and an algorithm that induces subgraph alignments between meaning representations. Experiments show that our method can automatically detect various paraphrases that are absent from existing paraphrase databases. In addition, the detection of paraphrases using proof information improves the accuracy of RTE tasks.
Determining semantic textual similarity is a core research subject in natural language processing. Since vector-based models for sentence representation often use shallow information, capturing accurate semantics is difficult. By contrast, logical semantic representations capture deeper levels of sentence semantics, but their symbolic nature does not offer graded notions of textual similarity. We propose a method for determining semantic textual similarity by combining shallow features with features extracted from natural deduction proofs of bidirectional entailment relations between sentence pairs. For the natural deduction proofs, we use ccg2lambda, a higher-order automatic inference system, which converts Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG) derivation trees into semantic representations and conducts natural deduction proofs. Experiments show that our system was able to outperform other logic-based systems and that features derived from the proofs are effective for learning textual similarity.
In the logic approach to Recognizing Textual Entailment, identifying phrase-to-phrase semantic relations is still an unsolved problem. Resources such as the Paraphrase Database offer limited coverage despite their large size whereas unsupervised distributional models of meaning often fail to recognize phrasal entailments. We propose to map phrases to their visual denotations and compare their meaning in terms of their images. We show that our approach is effective in the task of Recognizing Textual Entailment when combined with specific linguistic and logic features.
We approach the recognition of textual entailment using logical semantic representations and a theorem prover. In this setup, lexical divergences that preserve semantic entailment between the source and target texts need to be explicitly stated. However, recognising subsentential semantic relations is not trivial. We address this problem by monitoring the proof of the theorem and detecting unprovable sub-goals that share predicate arguments with logical premises. If a linguistic relation exists, then an appropriate axiom is constructed on-demand and the theorem proving continues. Experiments show that this approach is effective and precise, producing a system that outperforms other logic-based systems and is competitive with state-of-the-art statistical methods.
This is tutorial proposal. Abstract is as follows: The principle of compositionality states that the meaning of a complete sentence must be explained in terms of the meanings of its subsentential parts; in other words, each syntactic operation should have a corresponding semantic operation. In recent years, it has been increasingly evident that distributional and formal semantics are complementary in addressing composition; while the distributional/vector-based approach can naturally measure semantic similarity (Mitchell and Lapata, 2010), the formal/symbolic approach has a long tradition within logic-based semantic frameworks (Montague, 1974) and can readily be connected to theorem provers or databases to perform complicated tasks. In this tutorial, we will cover recent efforts in extending word vectors to account for composition and reasoning, the various challenging phenomena observed in composition and addressed by formal semantics, and a hybrid approach that combines merits of the two. Outline and introduction to instructors are found in the submission. Ran Tian has taught a tutorial at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Natural Language Processing in Japan, 2015. The estimated audience size was about one hundred. Only a limited part of the contents in this tutorial is drawn from the previous one. Koji Mineshima has taught a one-week course at the 28th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI2016), together with Prof. Daisuke Bekki. Only a few contents are the same with this tutorial. Tutorials on “CCG Semantic Parsing” have been given in ACL2013, EMNLP2014, and AAAI2015. A coming tutorial on “Deep Learning for Semantic Composition” will be given in ACL2017. Contents in these tutorials are somehow related to but not overlapping with our proposal.