Roberto Lotufo


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MLissard: Multilingual Long and Simple Sequential Reasoning Benchmarks
Mirelle Candida Bueno | Roberto Lotufo | Rodrigo Frassetto Nogueira
Proceedings of the 2nd GenBench Workshop on Generalisation (Benchmarking) in NLP

Language models are now capable of solving tasks that require dealing with long sequences consisting of hundreds of thousands of tokens. However, they often fail on tasks that require repetitive use of simple rules, even on sequences that are much shorter than those seen during training. For example, state-of-the-art LLMs can find common items in two lists with up to 20 items but fail when lists have 80 items. In this paper, we introduce MLissard, a multilingual benchmark designed to evaluate models’ abilities to process and generate texts of varied lengths and offers a mechanism for controlling sequence complexity. Our evaluation of open-source and proprietary models show a consistent decline in performance across all models and languages as the complexity of the sequence increases. Surprisingly, the use of in-context examples in languages other than English helps increase extrapolation performance significantly.

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Measuring Cross-lingual Transfer in Bytes
Leandro De Souza | Thales Almeida | Roberto Lotufo | Rodrigo Frassetto Nogueira
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Multilingual pretraining has been a successful solution to the challenges posed by the lack of resources for languages. These models can transfer knowledge to target languages with minimal or no examples. Recent research suggests that monolingual models also have a similar capability, but the mechanisms behind this transfer remain unclear. Some studies have explored factors like language contamination and syntactic similarity. An emerging line of research suggests that the representations learned by language models contain two components: a language-specific and a language-agnostic component. The latter is responsible for transferring a more universal knowledge. However, there is a lack of comprehensive exploration of these properties across diverse target languages. To investigate this hypothesis, we conducted an experiment inspired by the work on the Scaling Laws for Transfer. We measured the amount of data transferred from a source language to a target language and found that models initialized from diverse languages perform similarly to a target language in a cross-lingual setting. This was surprising because the amount of data transferred to 10 diverse target languages, such as Spanish, Korean, and Finnish, was quite similar. We also found evidence that this transfer is not related to language contamination or language proximity, which strengthens the hypothesis that the model also relies on language-agnostic knowledge. Our experiments have opened up new possibilities for measuring how much data represents the language-agnostic representations learned during pretraining.


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MonoByte: A Pool of Monolingual Byte-level Language Models
Hugo Abonizio | Leandro Rodrigues de Souza | Roberto Lotufo | Rodrigo Nogueira
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

The zero-shot cross-lingual ability of models pretrained on multilingual and even monolingual corpora has spurred many hypotheses to explain this intriguing empirical result. However, due to the costs of pretraining, most research uses public models whose pretraining methodology, such as the choice of tokenization, corpus size, and computational budget, might differ drastically. When researchers pretrain their own models, they often do so under a constrained budget, and the resulting models might underperform significantly compared to SOTA models. These experimental differences led to various inconsistent conclusions about the nature of the cross-lingual ability of these models. To help further research on the topic, we released 10 monolingual byte-level models rigorously pretrained under the same configuration with a large compute budget (equivalent to 420 days on a V100) and corpora that are 4 times larger than the original BERT’s. Because they are tokenizer-free, the problem of unseen token embeddings is eliminated, thus allowing researchers to try a wider range of cross-lingual experiments in languages with different scripts. Additionally, we release two models pretrained on non-natural language texts that can be used in sanity-check experiments. Experiments on QA and NLI tasks show that our monolingual models achieve competitive performance to the multilingual one, and hence can be served to strengthen our understanding of cross-lingual transferability in language models.

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Induced Natural Language Rationales and Interleaved Markup Tokens Enable Extrapolation in Large Language Models
Mirelle Candida Bueno | Carlos Gemmell | Jeff Dalton | Roberto Lotufo | Rodrigo Nogueira
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Mathematical Natural Language Processing (MathNLP)

The ability to extrapolate, i.e., to make predictions on sequences that are longer than those presented as training examples, is a challenging problem for current deep learning models. Recent work shows that this limitation persists in state-of-the-art Transformer-based models. Most solutions to this problem use specific architectures or training methods that do not generalize to other tasks. We demonstrate that large language models can succeed in extrapolation without modifying their architecture or training procedure. Our experimental results show that generating step-by-step rationales and introducing marker tokens are both required for effective extrapolation. First, we induce a language model to produce step-by-step rationales before outputting the answer to effectively communicate the task to the model. However, as sequences become longer, we find that current models struggle to keep track of token positions. To address this issue, we interleave output tokens with markup tokens that act as explicit positional and counting symbols. Our findings show how these two complementary approaches enable remarkable sequence extrapolation and highlight a limitation of current architectures to effectively generalize without explicit surface form guidance. Code available at


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Lite Training Strategies for Portuguese-English and English-Portuguese Translation
Alexandre Lopes | Rodrigo Nogueira | Roberto Lotufo | Helio Pedrini
Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Machine Translation

Despite the widespread adoption of deep learning for machine translation, it is still expensive to develop high-quality translation models. In this work, we investigate the use of pre-trained models, such as T5 for Portuguese-English and English-Portuguese translation tasks using low-cost hardware. We explore the use of Portuguese and English pre-trained language models and propose an adaptation of the English tokenizer to represent Portuguese characters, such as diaeresis, acute and grave accents. We compare our models to the Google Translate API and MarianMT on a subset of the ParaCrawl dataset, as well as to the winning submission to the WMT19 Biomedical Translation Shared Task. We also describe our submission to the WMT20 Biomedical Translation Shared Task. Our results show that our models have a competitive performance to state-of-the-art models while being trained on modest hardware (a single 8GB gaming GPU for nine days). Our data, models and code are available in our GitHub repository.