Although Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive text generation capabilities, they are easily misled by untruthful contexts provided by users or knowledge augmentation tools, leading to hallucinations. To alleviate LLMs from being misled by untruthful context and take advantage of knowledge augmentation, we propose Truth-Aware Context Selection (TACS), a lightweight method to adaptively recognize and mask untruthful context from the inputs. TACS begins by performing truth detection on the input context, leveraging the parameterized knowledge within the LLM. Subsequently, it constructs a corresponding attention mask based on the truthfulness of each position, selecting the truthful context and discarding the untruthful context. Additionally, we introduce a new evaluation metric, Disturbance Adaption Rate, to further study the LLMs’ ability to accept truthful information and resist untruthful information.Experimental results indicate that TACS can effectively filter untruthful context and significantly improve the overall quality of LLMs’ responses when presented with misleading information.
Simultaneous translation models play a crucial role in facilitating communication. However, existing research primarily focuses on text-to-text or speech-to-text models, necessitating additional cascade components to achieve speech-to-speech translation. These pipeline methods suffer from error propagation and accumulate delays in each cascade component, resulting in reduced synchronization between the speaker and listener. To overcome these challenges, we propose a novel non-autoregressive generation framework for simultaneous speech translation (NAST-S2x), which integrates speech-to-text and speech-to-speech tasks into a unified end-to-end framework.We develop a non-autoregressive decoder capable of concurrently generating multiple text or acoustic unit tokens upon receiving fixed-length speech chunks. The decoder can generate blank or repeated tokens and employ CTC decoding to dynamically adjust its latency. Experimental results show that NAST-S2x outperforms state-of-the-art models in both speech-to-text and speech-to-speech tasks. It achieves high-quality simultaneous interpretation within a delay of less than 3 seconds and provides a 28× decoding speedup in offline generation.
Recently proposed two-pass direct speech-to-speech translation (S2ST) models decompose the task into speech-to-text translation (S2TT) and text-to-speech (TTS) within an end-to-end model, yielding promising results. However, the training of these models still relies on parallel speech data, which is extremely challenging to collect. In contrast, S2TT and TTS have accumulated a large amount of data and pretrained models, which have not been fully utilized in the development of S2ST models. Inspired by this, in this paper, we first introduce a composite S2ST model named ComSpeech, which can seamlessly integrate any pretrained S2TT and TTS models into a direct S2ST model. Furthermore, to eliminate the reliance on parallel speech data, we propose a novel training method ComSpeech-ZS that solely utilizes S2TT and TTS data. It aligns representations in the latent space through contrastive learning, enabling the speech synthesis capability learned from the TTS data to generalize to S2ST in a zero-shot manner. Experimental results on the CVSS dataset show that when the parallel speech data is available, ComSpeech surpasses previous two-pass models like UnitY and Translatotron 2 in both translation quality and decoding speed. When there is no parallel speech data, ComSpeech-ZS lags behind by only 0.7 ASR-BLEU and outperforms the cascaded models.
Simultaneous Machine Translation (SiMT) generates translation while reading source tokens, essentially producing the target prefix based on the source prefix. To achieve good performance, it leverages the relationship between source and target prefixes to exact a policy to guide the generation of translations. Although existing SiMT methods primarily focus on the Encoder-Decoder architecture, we explore the potential of Decoder-only architecture, owing to its superior performance in various tasks and its inherent compatibility with SiMT. However, directly applying the Decoder-only architecture to SiMT poses challenges in terms of training and inference. To alleviate the above problems, we propose the first Decoder-only SiMT model, named Decoder-only Streaming Transformer (DST). Specifically, DST separately encodes the positions of the source and target prefixes, ensuring that the position of the target prefix remains unaffected by the expansion of the source prefix. Furthermore, we propose a Streaming Self-Attention (SSA) mechanism tailored for the Decoder-only architecture. It is capable of obtaining translation policy by assessing the sufficiency of input source information and integrating with the soft-attention mechanism to generate translations. Experiments demonstrate that our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on three translation tasks.
Large Language Models (LLMs) sometimes suffer from producing hallucinations, especially LLMs may generate untruthful responses despite knowing the correct knowledge. Activating the truthfulness within LLM is the key to fully unlocking LLM’s knowledge potential. In this paper, we propose TruthX, an inference-time intervention method to activate the truthfulness of LLM by identifying and editing the features within LLM’s internal representations that govern the truthfulness. TruthX employs an auto-encoder to map LLM’s representations into semantic and truthful latent spaces respectively, and applies contrastive learning to identify a truthful editing direction within the truthful space. During inference, by editing LLM’s internal representations in truthful space, TruthX effectively enhances the truthfulness of LLM. Experiments show that TruthX improves the truthfulness of 13 advanced LLMs by an average of 20% on TruthfulQA benchmark. Further analyses suggest that TruthX can control LLM to produce truthful or hallucinatory responses via editing only one vector in LLM’s internal representations.
Simultaneous speech-to-speech translation (Simul-S2ST, a.k.a streaming speech translation) outputs target speech while receiving streaming speech inputs, which is critical for real-time communication. Beyond accomplishing translation between speech, Simul-S2ST requires a policy to control the model to generate corresponding target speech at the opportune moment within speech inputs, thereby posing a double challenge of translation and policy. In this paper, we propose StreamSpeech, a direct Simul-S2ST model that jointly learns translation and simultaneous policy in a unified framework of multi-task learning. Adhering to a multi-task learning approach, StreamSpeech can perform offline and simultaneous speech recognition, speech translation and speech synthesis via an “All-in-One” seamless model. Experiments on CVSS benchmark demonstrate that StreamSpeech achieves state-of-the-art performance in both offline S2ST and Simul-S2ST tasks. Besides, StreamSpeech is able to present high-quality intermediate results (i.e., ASR or translation results) during simultaneous translation process, offering a more comprehensive real-time communication experience.
End-to-end simultaneous speech translation (SimulST) outputs translation while receiving the streaming speech inputs (a.k.a. streaming speech translation), and hence needs to segment the speech inputs and then translate based on the current received speech. However, segmenting the speech inputs at unfavorable moments can disrupt the acoustic integrity and adversely affect the performance of the translation model. Therefore, learning to segment the speech inputs at those moments that are beneficial for the translation model to produce high-quality translation is the key to SimulST. Existing SimulST methods, either using the fixed-length segmentation or external segmentation model, always separate segmentation from the underlying translation model, where the gap results in segmentation outcomes that are not necessarily beneficial for the translation process. In this paper, we propose Differentiable Segmentation (DiSeg) for SimulST to directly learn segmentation from the underlying translation model. DiSeg turns hard segmentation into differentiable through the proposed expectation training, enabling it to be jointly trained with the translation model and thereby learn translation-beneficial segmentation. Experimental results demonstrate that DiSeg achieves state-of-the-art performance and exhibits superior segmentation capability.
Simultaneous machine translation (SiMT) generates translation while reading the whole source sentence. However, existing SiMT models are typically trained using the same reference disregarding the varying amounts of available source information at different latency. Training the model with ground-truth at low latency may introduce forced anticipations, whereas utilizing reference consistent with the source word order at high latency results in performance degradation. Consequently, it is crucial to train the SiMT model with appropriate reference that avoids forced anticipations during training while maintaining high quality. In this paper, we propose a novel method that provides tailored reference for the SiMT models trained at different latency by rephrasing the ground-truth. Specifically, we introduce the tailor, induced by reinforcement learning, to modify ground-truth to the tailored reference. The SiMT model is trained with the tailored reference and jointly optimized with the tailor to enhance performance. Importantly, our method is applicable to a wide range of current SiMT approaches. Experiments on three translation tasks demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance in both fixed and adaptive policies.
Simultaneous machine translation (SiMT) models are trained to strike a balance between latency and translation quality. However, training these models to achieve high quality while maintaining low latency often leads to a tendency for aggressive anticipation. We argue that such issue stems from the autoregressive architecture upon which most existing SiMT models are built. To address those issues, we propose non-autoregressive streaming Transformer (NAST) which comprises a unidirectional encoder and a non-autoregressive decoder with intra-chunk parallelism. We enable NAST to generate the blank token or repetitive tokens to adjust its READ/WRITE strategy flexibly, and train it to maximize the non-monotonic latent alignment with an alignment-based latency loss. Experiments on various SiMT benchmarks demonstrate that NAST outperforms previous strong autoregressive SiMT baselines.
Simultaneous machine translation (SiMT) starts to output translation while reading the source sentence and needs a precise policy to decide when to output the generated translation. Therefore, the policy determines the number of source tokens read during the translation of each target token. However, it is difficult to learn a precise translation policy to achieve good latency-quality trade-offs, because there is no golden policy corresponding to parallel sentences as explicit supervision. In this paper, we present a new method for constructing the optimal policy online via binary search. By employing explicit supervision, our approach enables the SiMT model to learn the optimal policy, which can guide the model in completing the translation during inference. Experiments on four translation tasks show that our method can exceed strong baselines across all latency scenarios.
Simultaneous translation (ST) outputs translation while receiving the source inputs, and hence requires a policy to determine whether to translate a target token or wait for the next source token. The major challenge of ST is that each target token can only be translated based on the current received source tokens, where the received source information will directly affect the translation quality. So naturally, how much source information is received for the translation of the current target token is supposed to be the pivotal evidence for the ST policy to decide between translating and waiting. In this paper, we treat the translation as information transport from source to target and accordingly propose an Information-Transport-based Simultaneous Translation (ITST). ITST quantifies the transported information weight from each source token to the current target token, and then decides whether to translate the target token according to its accumulated received information. Experiments on both text-to-text ST and speech-to-text ST (a.k.a., streaming speech translation) tasks show that ITST outperforms strong baselines and achieves state-of-the-art performance.
Simultaneous machine translation (SiMT) outputs translation while receiving the streaming source inputs, and hence needs a policy to determine where to start translating. The alignment between target and source words often implies the most informative source word for each target word, and hence provides the unified control over translation quality and latency, but unfortunately the existing SiMT methods do not explicitly model the alignment to perform the control. In this paper, we propose Gaussian Multi-head Attention (GMA) to develop a new SiMT policy by modeling alignment and translation in a unified manner. For SiMT policy, GMA models the aligned source position of each target word, and accordingly waits until its aligned position to start translating. To integrate the learning of alignment into the translation model, a Gaussian distribution centered on predicted aligned position is introduced as an alignment-related prior, which cooperates with translation-related soft attention to determine the final attention. Experiments on En-Vi and De-En tasks show that our method outperforms strong baselines on the trade-off between translation and latency.
Simultaneous machine translation (SiMT) outputs the translation while receiving the source inputs, and hence needs to balance the received source information and translated target information to make a reasonable decision between waiting for inputs or outputting translation. Previous methods always balance source and target information at the token level, either directly waiting for a fixed number of tokens or adjusting the waiting based on the current token. In this paper, we propose a Wait-info Policy to balance source and target at the information level. We first quantify the amount of information contained in each token, named info. Then during simultaneous translation, the decision of waiting or outputting is made based on the comparison results between the total info of previous target outputs and received source inputs. Experiments show that our method outperforms strong baselines under and achieves better balance via the proposed info.
Simultaneous machine translation (SiMT) starts its translation before reading the whole source sentence and employs either fixed or adaptive policy to generate the target sentence. Compared to the fixed policy, the adaptive policy achieves better latency-quality tradeoffs by adopting a flexible translation policy. If the policy can evaluate rationality before taking action, the probability of incorrect actions will also decrease. However, previous methods lack evaluation of actions before taking them. In this paper, we propose a method of performing the adaptive policy via integrating post-evaluation into the fixed policy. Specifically, whenever a candidate token is generated, our model will evaluate the rationality of the next action by measuring the change in the source content. Our model will then take different actions based on the evaluation results. Experiments on three translation tasks show that our method can exceed strong baselines under all latency.
Simultaneous machine translation (SiMT) outputs translation while reading source sentence and hence requires a policy to decide whether to wait for the next source word (READ) or generate a target word (WRITE), the actions of which form a read/write path. Although the read/write path is essential to SiMT performance, no direct supervision is given to the path in the existing methods. In this paper, we propose a method of dual-path SiMT which introduces duality constraints to direct the read/write path. According to duality constraints, the read/write path in source-to-target and target-to-source SiMT models can be mapped to each other. As a result, the two SiMT models can be optimized jointly by forcing their read/write paths to satisfy the mapping. Experiments on En-Vi and De-En tasks show that our method can outperform strong baselines under all latency.
Simultaneous machine translation (SiMT) starts translating while receiving the streaming source inputs, and hence the source sentence is always incomplete during translating. Different from the full-sentence MT using the conventional seq-to-seq architecture, SiMT often applies prefix-to-prefix architecture, which forces each target word to only align with a partial source prefix to adapt to the incomplete source in streaming inputs. However, the source words in the front positions are always illusoryly considered more important since they appear in more prefixes, resulting in position bias, which makes the model pay more attention on the front source positions in testing. In this paper, we first analyze the phenomenon of position bias in SiMT, and develop a Length-Aware Framework to reduce the position bias by bridging the structural gap between SiMT and full-sentence MT. Specifically, given the streaming inputs, we first predict the full-sentence length and then fill the future source position with positional encoding, thereby turning the streaming inputs into a pseudo full-sentence. The proposed framework can be integrated into most existing SiMT methods to further improve performance. Experiments on two representative SiMT methods, including the state-of-the-art adaptive policy, show that our method successfully reduces the position bias and thereby achieves better SiMT performance.
Simultaneous translation (ST) outputs the translation simultaneously while reading the input sentence, which is an important component of simultaneous interpretation. In this paper, we describe our submitted ST system, which won the first place in the streaming transcription input track of the Chinese-English translation task of AutoSimTrans 2021. Aiming at the robustness of ST, we first propose char-level simultaneous translation and applied wait-k policy on it. Meanwhile, we apply two data processing methods and combine two training methods for domain adaptation. Our method enhance the ST model with stronger robustness and domain adaptability. Experiments on streaming transcription show that our method outperforms the baseline at all latency, especially at low latency, the proposed method improves about 6 BLEU. Besides, ablation studies we conduct verify the effectiveness of each module in the proposed method.
Simultaneous machine translation (SiMT) generates translation before reading the entire source sentence and hence it has to trade off between translation quality and latency. To fulfill the requirements of different translation quality and latency in practical applications, the previous methods usually need to train multiple SiMT models for different latency levels, resulting in large computational costs. In this paper, we propose a universal SiMT model with Mixture-of-Experts Wait-k Policy to achieve the best translation quality under arbitrary latency with only one trained model. Specifically, our method employs multi-head attention to accomplish the mixture of experts where each head is treated as a wait-k expert with its own waiting words number, and given a test latency and source inputs, the weights of the experts are accordingly adjusted to produce the best translation. Experiments on three datasets show that our method outperforms all the strong baselines under different latency, including the state-of-the-art adaptive policy.
Cross-attention is an important component of neural machine translation (NMT), which is always realized by dot-product attention in previous methods. However, dot-product attention only considers the pair-wise correlation between words, resulting in dispersion when dealing with long sentences and neglect of source neighboring relationships. Inspired by linguistics, the above issues are caused by ignoring a type of cross-attention, called concentrated attention, which focuses on several central words and then spreads around them. In this work, we apply Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) to model the concentrated attention in cross-attention. Experiments and analyses we conducted on three datasets show that the proposed method outperforms the baseline and has significant improvement on alignment quality, N-gram accuracy, and long sentence translation.