Many natural language processing tasks benefit from long inputs, but processing long documents with Transformers is expensive – not only due to quadratic attention complexity but also from applying feedforward and projection layers to every token. However, not all tokens are equally important, especially for longer documents. We propose CoLT5, a long-input Transformer model that builds on this intuition by employing conditional computation, devoting more resources to important tokens in both feedforward and attention layers. We show that CoLT5 achieves stronger performance than LongT5 with much faster training and inference, achieving SOTA on the long-input SCROLLS benchmark. Moreover, CoLT5 can effectively and tractably make use of extremely long inputs, showing strong gains up to 64k input length.
Recent work has improved language models (LMs) remarkably by equipping them with a non-parametric memory component. However, most existing approaches only introduce mem-ories at testing time or represent them using a separately trained encoder, resulting in suboptimal training of the language model. In this work, we present TRIME, a novel yet simple training approach designed for training LMs with memory augmentation. Our approach uses a training objective that directly takes in-batch examples as accessible memory. We also present new methods for memory construction and data batching, which are used for adapting to different sets of memories—local, long-term, and external memory—at testing time. We evaluate TRIME on multiple language modeling and machine translation benchmarks and show that it is able to achieve significant improvements across all the settings. Concretely, TRIME reduces the perplexity from 18.70 to 15.37 on WIKITEXT-103, by effectively leveraging a large memory set from the training corpus. Compared to standard LM training, TRIME adds negligible computational overhead and is compatible with different neural architectures, making it a versatile solution for training memory-augmented LMs.
Large language models have become increasingly difficult to train because of the growing computation time and cost. In this work, we present SRU++, a highly-efficient architecture that combines fast recurrence and attention for sequence modeling. SRU++ exhibits strong modeling capacity and training efficiency. On standard language modeling tasks such as Enwik8, Wiki-103 and Billion Word datasets, our model obtains better bits-per-character and perplexity while using 3x-10x less training cost compared to top-performing Transformer models. For instance, our model achieves a state-of-the-art result on the Enwik8 dataset using 1.6 days of training on an 8-GPU machine. We further demonstrate that SRU++ requires minimal attention for near state-of-the-art performance. Our results suggest jointly leveraging fast recurrence with little attention as a promising direction for accelerating model training and inference.
We present a method for generating comparative summaries that highlight similarities and contradictions in input documents. The key challenge in creating such summaries is the lack of large parallel training data required for training typical summarization systems. To this end, we introduce a hybrid generation approach inspired by traditional concept-to-text systems. To enable accurate comparison between different sources, the model first learns to extract pertinent relations from input documents. The content planning component uses deterministic operators to aggregate these relations after identifying a subset for inclusion into a summary. The surface realization component lexicalizes this information using a text-infilling language model. By separately modeling content selection and realization, we can effectively train them with limited annotations. We implemented and tested the model in the domain of nutrition and health – rife with inconsistencies. Compared to conventional methods, our framework leads to more faithful, relevant and aggregation-sensitive summarization – while being equally fluent.
The performance of autoregressive models on natural language generation tasks has dramatically improved due to the adoption of deep, self-attentive architectures. However, these gains have come at the cost of hindering inference speed, making state-of-the-art models cumbersome to deploy in real-world, time-sensitive settings. We develop a compression technique for autoregressive models that is driven by an imitation learning perspective on knowledge distillation. The algorithm is designed to address the exposure bias problem. On prototypical language generation tasks such as translation and summarization, our method consistently outperforms other distillation algorithms, such as sequence-level knowledge distillation. Student models trained with our method attain 1.4 to 4.8 BLEU/ROUGE points higher than those trained from scratch, while increasing inference speed by up to 14 times in comparison to the teacher model.
Large language models have recently achieved state of the art performance across a wide variety of natural language tasks. Meanwhile, the size of these models and their latency have significantly increased, which makes their usage costly, and raises an interesting question: do language models need to be large? We study this question through the lens of model compression. We present a generic, structured pruning approach by parameterizing each weight matrix using its low-rank factorization, and adaptively removing rank-1 components during training. On language modeling tasks, our structured approach outperforms other unstructured and block-structured pruning baselines at various compression levels, while achieving significant speedups during both training and inference. We also demonstrate that our method can be applied to pruning adaptive word embeddings in large language models, and to pruning the BERT model on several downstream fine-tuning classification benchmarks.
We study the potential for interaction in natural language classification. We add a limited form of interaction for intent classification, where users provide an initial query using natural language, and the system asks for additional information using binary or multi-choice questions. At each turn, our system decides between asking the most informative question or making the final classification pre-diction. The simplicity of the model allows for bootstrapping of the system without interaction data, instead relying on simple crowd-sourcing tasks. We evaluate our approach on two domains, showing the benefit of interaction and the advantage of learning to balance between asking additional questions and making the final prediction.
Selecting input features of top relevance has become a popular method for building self-explaining models. In this work, we extend this selective rationalization approach to text matching, where the goal is to jointly select and align text pieces, such as tokens or sentences, as a justification for the downstream prediction. Our approach employs optimal transport (OT) to find a minimal cost alignment between the inputs. However, directly applying OT often produces dense and therefore uninterpretable alignments. To overcome this limitation, we introduce novel constrained variants of the OT problem that result in highly sparse alignments with controllable sparsity. Our model is end-to-end differentiable using the Sinkhorn algorithm for OT and can be trained without any alignment annotations. We evaluate our model on the StackExchange, MultiNews, e-SNLI, and MultiRC datasets. Our model achieves very sparse rationale selections with high fidelity while preserving prediction accuracy compared to strong attention baseline models.
Fact checking is an important task for maintaining high quality posts and improving user experience in Community Question Answering forums. Therefore, the SemEval-2019 task 8 is aimed to identify factual question (subtask A) and detect true factual information from corresponding answers (subtask B). In order to address this task, we propose a system based on the BERT model with meta information of questions. For the subtask A, the outputs of fine-tuned BERT classification model are combined with the feature of length of questions to boost the performance. For the subtask B, the predictions of several variants of BERT model encoding the meta information are combined to create an ensemble model. Our system achieved competitive results with an accuracy of 0.82 in the subtask A and 0.83 in the subtask B. The experimental results validate the effectiveness of our system.
Response suggestion is an important task for building human-computer conversation systems. Recent approaches to conversation modeling have introduced new model architectures with impressive results, but relatively little attention has been paid to whether these models would be practical in a production setting. In this paper, we describe the unique challenges of building a production retrieval-based conversation system, which selects outputs from a whitelist of candidate responses. To address these challenges, we propose a dual encoder architecture which performs rapid inference and scales well with the size of the whitelist. We also introduce and compare two methods for generating whitelists, and we carry out a comprehensive analysis of the model and whitelists. Experimental results on a large, proprietary help desk chat dataset, including both offline metrics and a human evaluation, indicate production-quality performance and illustrate key lessons about conversation modeling in practice.
Traditional text classifiers are limited to predicting over a fixed set of labels. However, in many real-world applications the label set is frequently changing. For example, in intent classification, new intents may be added over time while others are removed. We propose to address the problem of dynamic text classification by replacing the traditional, fixed-size output layer with a learned, semantically meaningful metric space. Here the distances between textual inputs are optimized to perform nearest-neighbor classification across overlapping label sets. Changing the label set does not involve removing parameters, but rather simply adding or removing support points in the metric space. Then the learned metric can be fine-tuned with only a few additional training examples. We demonstrate that this simple strategy is robust to changes in the label space. Furthermore, our results show that learning a non-Euclidean metric can improve performance in the low data regime, suggesting that further work on metric spaces may benefit low-resource research.
We address the problem of detecting duplicate questions in forums, which is an important step towards automating the process of answering new questions. As finding and annotating such potential duplicates manually is very tedious and costly, automatic methods based on machine learning are a viable alternative. However, many forums do not have annotated data, i.e., questions labeled by experts as duplicates, and thus a promising solution is to use domain adaptation from another forum that has such annotations. Here we focus on adversarial domain adaptation, deriving important findings about when it performs well and what properties of the domains are important in this regard. Our experiments with StackExchange data show an average improvement of 5.6% over the best baseline across multiple pairs of domains.
Common recurrent neural architectures scale poorly due to the intrinsic difficulty in parallelizing their state computations. In this work, we propose the Simple Recurrent Unit (SRU), a light recurrent unit that balances model capacity and scalability. SRU is designed to provide expressive recurrence, enable highly parallelized implementation, and comes with careful initialization to facilitate training of deep models. We demonstrate the effectiveness of SRU on multiple NLP tasks. SRU achieves 5—9x speed-up over cuDNN-optimized LSTM on classification and question answering datasets, and delivers stronger results than LSTM and convolutional models. We also obtain an average of 0.7 BLEU improvement over the Transformer model (Vaswani et al., 2017) on translation by incorporating SRU into the architecture.
Prepositional phrase (PP) attachment disambiguation is a known challenge in syntactic parsing. The lexical sparsity associated with PP attachments motivates research in word representations that can capture pertinent syntactic and semantic features of the word. One promising solution is to use word vectors induced from large amounts of raw text. However, state-of-the-art systems that employ such representations yield modest gains in PP attachment accuracy. In this paper, we show that word vector representations can yield significant PP attachment performance gains. This is achieved via a non-linear architecture that is discriminatively trained to maximize PP attachment accuracy. The architecture is initialized with word vectors trained from unlabeled data, and relearns those to maximize attachment accuracy. We obtain additional performance gains with alternative representations such as dependency-based word vectors. When tested on both English and Arabic datasets, our method outperforms both a strong SVM classifier and state-of-the-art parsers. For instance, we achieve 82.6% PP attachment accuracy on Arabic, while the Turbo and Charniak self-trained parsers obtain 76.7% and 80.8% respectively.