Thomas Huang
Yale at “Discharge Me!”: Evaluating Constrained Generation of Discharge Summaries with Unstructured and Structured Information
Vimig Socrates
Thomas Huang
Xuguang Ai
Soraya Fereydooni
Qingyu Chen
R Andrew Taylor
David Chartash
Proceedings of the 23rd Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing
Context-Aware Automatic Text Simplification of Health Materials in Low-Resource Domains
Tarek Sakakini
Jong Yoon Lee
Aditya Duri
Renato F.L. Azevedo
Victor Sadauskas
Kuangxiao Gu
Suma Bhat
Dan Morrow
James Graumlich
Saqib Walayat
Mark Hasegawa-Johnson
Thomas Huang
Ann Willemsen-Dunlap
Donald Halpin
Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis
Cross-media Cross-genre Information Ranking based on Multi-media Information Networks
Tongtao Zhang
Haibo Li
Hongzhao Huang
Heng Ji
Min-Hsuan Tsai
Shen-Fu Tsai
Thomas Huang
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Vision and Language
Enhancing Multi-lingual Information Extraction via Cross-Media Inference and Fusion
Adam Lee
Marissa Passantino
Heng Ji
Guojun Qi
Thomas Huang
Coling 2010: Posters
Spherical Discriminant Analysis in Semi-supervised Speaker Clustering
Hao Tang
Stephen Chu
Thomas Huang
Proceedings of Human Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Companion Volume: Short Papers
- Heng Ji 2
- Hao Tang 1
- Stephen Chu 1
- Vimig Socrates 1
- Xuguang Ai 1
- show all...
- Soraya Fereydooni 1
- Qingyu Chen 1
- R Andrew Taylor 1
- David Chartash 1
- Tarek Sakakini 1
- Jong Yoon Lee 1
- Aditya Duri 1
- Renato F.L. Azevedo 1
- Victor Sadauskas 1
- Kuangxiao Gu 1
- Suma Bhat 1
- Dan Morrow 1
- James Graumlich 1
- Saqib Walayat 1
- Mark Hasegawa-Johnson 1
- Ann Willemsen-Dunlap 1
- Donald Halpin 1
- Tongtao Zhang 1
- Haibo Li 1
- Hongzhao Huang 1
- Min-Hsuan Tsai 1
- Shen-Fu Tsai 1
- Adam Lee 1
- Marissa Passantino 1
- Guojun Qi 1