Tomasz Kajdanowicz


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Developing PUGG for Polish: A Modern Approach to KBQA, MRC, and IR Dataset Construction
Albert Sawczyn | Katsiaryna Viarenich | Konrad Wojtasik | Aleksandra Domogała | Marcin Oleksy | Maciej Piasecki | Tomasz Kajdanowicz
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Advancements in AI and natural language processing have revolutionized machine-human language interactions, with question answering (QA) systems playing a pivotal role. The knowledge base question answering (KBQA) task, utilizing structured knowledge graphs (KG), allows for handling extensive knowledge-intensive questions. However, a significant gap exists in KBQA datasets, especially for low-resource languages. Many existing construction pipelines for these datasets are outdated and inefficient in human labor, and modern assisting tools like Large Language Models (LLM) are not utilized to reduce the workload. To address this, we have designed and implemented a modern, semi-automated approach for creating datasets, encompassing tasks such as KBQA, Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC), and Information Retrieval (IR), tailored explicitly for low-resource environments. We executed this pipeline and introduced the PUGG dataset, the first Polish KBQA dataset, and novel datasets for MRC and IR. Additionally, we provide a comprehensive implementation, insightful findings, detailed statistics, and evaluation of baseline models.

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Empowering Small-Scale Knowledge Graphs: A Strategy of Leveraging General-Purpose Knowledge Graphs for Enriched Embeddings
Albert Sawczyn | Jakub Binkowski | Piotr Bielak | Tomasz Kajdanowicz
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Knowledge-intensive tasks pose a significant challenge for Machine Learning (ML) techniques. Commonly adopted methods, such as Large Language Models (LLMs), often exhibit limitations when applied to such tasks. Nevertheless, there have been notable endeavours to mitigate these challenges, with a significant emphasis on augmenting LLMs through Knowledge Graphs (KGs). While KGs provide many advantages for representing knowledge, their development costs can deter extensive research and applications. Addressing this limitation, we introduce a framework for enriching embeddings of small-scale domain-specific Knowledge Graphs with well-established general-purpose KGs. Adopting our method, a modest domain-specific KG can benefit from a performance boost in downstream tasks when linked to a substantial general-purpose KG. Experimental evaluations demonstrate a notable enhancement, with up to a 44% increase observed in the Hits@10 metric. This relatively unexplored research direction can catalyze more frequent incorporation of KGs in knowledge-intensive tasks, resulting in more robust, reliable ML implementations, which hallucinates less than prevalent LLM solutions.


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Domain-Agnostic Neural Architecture for Class Incremental Continual Learning in Document Processing Platform
Mateusz Wójcik | Witold Kościukiewicz | Mateusz Baran | Tomasz Kajdanowicz | Adam Gonczarek
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 5: Industry Track)

Production deployments in complex systems require ML architectures to be highly efficient and usable against multiple tasks. Particularly demanding are classification problems in which data arrives in a streaming fashion and each class is presented separately. Recent methods with stochastic gradient learning have been shown to struggle in such setups or have limitations like memory buffers, and being restricted to specific domains that disable its usage in real-world scenarios. For this reason, we present a fully differentiable architecture based on the Mixture of Experts model, that enables the training of high-performance classifiers when examples from each class are presented separately. We conducted exhaustive experiments that proved its applicability in various domains and ability to learn online in production environments. The proposed technique achieves SOTA results without a memory buffer and clearly outperforms the reference methods.


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Assessment of Massively Multilingual Sentiment Classifiers
Krzysztof Rajda | Lukasz Augustyniak | Piotr Gramacki | Marcin Gruza | Szymon Woźniak | Tomasz Kajdanowicz
Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment & Social Media Analysis

Models are increasing in size and complexity in the hunt for SOTA. But what if those 2%increase in performance does not make a difference in a production use case? Maybe benefits from a smaller, faster model outweigh those slight performance gains. Also, equally good performance across languages in multilingual tasks is more important than SOTA results on a single one. We present the biggest, unified, multilingual collection of sentiment analysis datasets. We use these to assess 11 models and 80 high-quality sentiment datasets (out of 342 raw datasets collected) in 27 languages and included results on the internally annotated datasets. We deeply evaluate multiple setups, including fine-tuning transformer-based models for measuring performance. We compare results in numerous dimensions addressing the imbalance in both languages coverage and dataset sizes. Finally, we present some best practices for working with such a massive collection of datasets and models for a multi-lingual perspective.

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Electoral Agitation Dataset: The Use Case of the Polish Election
Mateusz Baran | Mateusz Wójcik | Piotr Kolebski | Michał Bernaczyk | Krzysztof Rajda | Lukasz Augustyniak | Tomasz Kajdanowicz
Proceedings of the LREC 2022 workshop on Natural Language Processing for Political Sciences

The popularity of social media makes politicians use it for political advertisement. Therefore, social media is full of electoral agitation (electioneering), especially during the election campaigns. The election administration cannot track the spread and quantity of messages that count as agitation under the election code. It addresses a crucial problem, while also uncovering a niche that has not been effectively targeted so far. Hence, we present the first publicly open data set for detecting electoral agitation in the Polish language. It contains 6,112 human-annotated tweets tagged with four legally conditioned categories. We achieved a 0.66 inter-annotator agreement (Cohen’s kappa score). An additional annotator resolved the mismatches between the first two improving the consistency and complexity of the annotation process. The newly created data set was used to fine-tune a Polish Language Model called HerBERT (achieving a 68% F1 score). We also present a number of potential use cases for such data sets and models, enriching the paper with an analysis of the Polish 2020 Presidential Election on Twitter.


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Controversy and Conformity: from Generalized to Personalized Aggressiveness Detection
Kamil Kanclerz | Alicja Figas | Marcin Gruza | Tomasz Kajdanowicz | Jan Kocon | Daria Puchalska | Przemyslaw Kazienko
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

There is content such as hate speech, offensive, toxic or aggressive documents, which are perceived differently by their consumers. They are commonly identified using classifiers solely based on textual content that generalize pre-agreed meanings of difficult problems. Such models provide the same results for each user, which leads to high misclassification rate observable especially for contentious, aggressive documents. Both document controversy and user nonconformity require new solutions. Therefore, we propose novel personalized approaches that respect individual beliefs expressed by either user conformity-based measures or various embeddings of their previous text annotations. We found that only a few annotations of most controversial documents are enough for all our personalization methods to significantly outperform classic, generalized solutions. The more controversial the content, the greater the gain. The personalized solutions may be used to efficiently filter unwanted aggressive content in the way adjusted to a given person.


Political Advertising Dataset: the use case of the Polish 2020 Presidential Elections
Lukasz Augustyniak | Krzysztof Rajda | Tomasz Kajdanowicz | Michał Bernaczyk
Proceedings of the Fourth Widening Natural Language Processing Workshop

Political campaigns are full of political ads posted by candidates on social media. Political advertisements constitute a basic form of campaigning, subjected to various social requirements. We present the first publicly open dataset for detecting specific text chunks and categories of political advertising in the Polish language. It contains 1,705 human-annotated tweets tagged with nine categories, which constitute campaigning under Polish electoral law. We achieved a 0.65 inter-annotator agreement (Cohen’s kappa score). An additional annotator resolved the mismatches between the first two annotators improving the consistency and complexity of the annotation process. We used the newly created dataset to train a well established neural tagger (achieving a 70% percent points F1 score). We also present a possible direction of use cases for such datasets and models with an initial analysis of the Polish 2020 Presidential Elections on Twitter.