Automatic Expansion of the MRC Psycholinguistic Database Imageability Ratings
Ting Liu
Kit Cho
G. Aaron Broadwell
Samira Shaikh
Tomek Strzalkowski
John Lien
Sarah Taylor
Laurie Feldman
Boris Yamrom
Nick Webb
Umit Boz
Ignacio Cases
Ching-sheng Lin
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14)
Recent studies in metaphor extraction across several languages (Broadwell et al., 2013; Strzalkowski et al., 2013) have shown that word imageability ratings are highly correlated with the presence of metaphors in text. Information about imageability of words can be obtained from the MRC Psycholinguistic Database (MRCPD) for English words and Léxico Informatizado del Español Programa (LEXESP) for Spanish words, which is a collection of human ratings obtained in a series of controlled surveys. Unfortunately, word imageability ratings were collected for only a limited number of words: 9,240 words in English, 6,233 in Spanish; and are unavailable at all in the other two languages studied: Russian and Farsi. The present study describes an automated method for expanding the MRCPD by conferring imageability ratings over the synonyms and hyponyms of existing MRCPD words, as identified in Wordnet. The result is an expanded MRCPD+ database with imagea-bility scores for more than 100,000 words. The appropriateness of this expansion process is assessed by examining the structural coherence of the expanded set and by validating the expanded lexicon against human judgment. Finally, the performance of the metaphor extraction system is shown to improve significantly with the expanded database. This paper describes the process for English MRCPD+ and the resulting lexical resource. The process is analogous for other languages.
A Multi-Cultural Repository of Automatically Discovered Linguistic and Conceptual Metaphors
Samira Shaikh
Tomek Strzalkowski
Ting Liu
George Aaron Broadwell
Boris Yamrom
Sarah Taylor
Laurie Feldman
Kit Cho
Umit Boz
Ignacio Cases
Yuliya Peshkova
Ching-Sheng Lin
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14)
In this article, we present details about our ongoing work towards building a repository of Linguistic and Conceptual Metaphors. This resource is being developed as part of our research effort into the large-scale detection of metaphors from unrestricted text. We have stored a large amount of automatically extracted metaphors in American English, Mexican Spanish, Russian and Iranian Farsi in a relational database, along with pertinent metadata associated with these metaphors. A substantial subset of the contents of our repository has been systematically validated via rigorous social science experiments. Using information stored in the repository, we are able to posit certain claims in a cross-cultural context about how peoples in these cultures (America, Mexico, Russia and Iran) view particular concepts related to Governance and Economic Inequality through the use of metaphor. Researchers in the field can use this resource as a reference of typical metaphors used across these cultures. In addition, it can be used to recognize metaphors of the same form or pattern, in other domains of research.
Robust Extraction of Metaphor from Novel Data
Tomek Strzalkowski
George Aaron Broadwell
Sarah Taylor
Laurie Feldman
Samira Shaikh
Ting Liu
Boris Yamrom
Kit Cho
Umit Boz
Ignacio Cases
Kyle Elliot
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Metaphor in NLP
Extending the MPC corpus to Chinese and Urdu - A Multiparty Multi-Lingual Chat Corpus for Modeling Social Phenomena in Language
Ting Liu
Samira Shaikh
Tomek Strzalkowski
Aaron Broadwell
Jennifer Stromer-Galley
Sarah Taylor
Umit Boz
Xiaoai Ren
Jingsi Wu
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12)
In this paper, we report our efforts in building a multi-lingual multi-party online chat corpus in order to develop a firm understanding in a set of social constructs such as agenda control, influence, and leadership as well as to computationally model such constructs in online interactions. These automated models will help capture the dialogue dynamics that are essential for developing, among others, realistic human-machine dialogue systems, including autonomous virtual chat agents. In this paper, we first introduce our experiment design and data collection method in Chinese and Urdu, and then report on the current stage of our data collection. We annotated the collected corpus on four levels: communication links, dialogue acts, local topics, and meso-topics. Results from the analyses of annotated data on different languages indicate some interesting phenomena, which are reported in this paper.
Modeling Leadership and Influence in Multi-party Online Discourse
Tomek Strzalkowski
Samira Shaikh
Ting Liu
George Aaron Broadwell
Jenny Stromer-Galley
Sarah Taylor
Umit Boz
Veena Ravishankar
Xiaoai Ren
Proceedings of COLING 2012