Yash Kumar Atri
Promoting Topic Coherence and Inter-Document Consorts in Multi-Document Summarization via Simplicial Complex and Sheaf Graph
Yash Kumar Atri
Arun Iyer
Tanmoy Chakraborty
Vikram Goyal
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Multi-document Summarization (MDS) characterizes compressing information from multiple source documents to its succinct summary. An ideal summary should encompass all topics and accurately model cross-document relations expounded upon in the source documents. However, existing systems either impose constraints on the length of tokens during the encoding or falter in capturing the intricate cross-document relationships. These limitations impel the systems to produce summaries that are non-factual and unfaithful, thereby imparting an unfair comprehension of the topic to the readers. To counter these limitations and promote the information equivalence between the source document and generated summary, we propose FIBER, a novel encoder-decoder model that uses pre-trained BART to comprehensively analyze linguistic nuances, simplicial complex layer to apprehend inherent properties that transcend pairwise associations and sheaf graph attention to effectively capture the heterophilic properties. We benchmark FIBER with eleven baselines over four widely-used MDS datasets – Multinews, CQASumm, DUC and Opinosis, and show that FIBER achieves consistent performance improvement across all the evaluation metrics (syntactical, semantical and faithfulness). We corroborate these improvements further through qualitative human evaluation.
Corpora Evaluation and System Bias Detection in Multi-document Summarization
Alvin Dey
Tanya Chowdhury
Yash Kumar Atri
Tanmoy Chakraborty
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020
Multi-document summarization (MDS) is the task of reflecting key points from any set of documents into a concise text paragraph. In the past, it has been used to aggregate news, tweets, product reviews, etc. from various sources. Owing to no standard definition of the task, we encounter a plethora of datasets with varying levels of overlap and conflict between participating documents. There is also no standard regarding what constitutes summary information in MDS. Adding to the challenge is the fact that new systems report results on a set of chosen datasets, which might not correlate with their performance on the other datasets. In this paper, we study this heterogeneous task with the help of a few widely used MDS corpora and a suite of state-of-theart models. We make an attempt to quantify the quality of summarization corpus and prescribe a list of points to consider while proposing a new MDS corpus. Next, we analyze the reason behind the absence of an MDS system which achieves superior performance across all corpora. We then observe the extent to which system metrics are influenced, and bias is propagated due to corpus properties. The scripts to reproduce the experiments in this work are available at https://github.com/LCS2-IIITD/summarization_bias.git