Zeyuan Chen


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Towards Boosting LLMs-driven Relevance Modeling with Progressive Retrieved Behavior-augmented Prompting
Zeyuan Chen | Haiyan Wu | Kaixin Wu | Wei Chen | Mingjie Zhong | Jia Xu | Zhongyi Liu | Wei Zhang
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Industry Track

This paper studies the relevance modeling problem by integrating world knowledge stored in the parameters of LLMs with specialized domain knowledge represented by user behavior data for achieving promising performance. The novel framework ProRBP is proposed, which innovatively develops user-driven behavior neighbor retrieval module to learn domain-specific knowledge in time and introduces progressive prompting and aggregation module for considering diverse aspects of the relevance and prediction stability. We explore an industrial implementation to deploy LLMs to handle full-scale search traffics of Alipay with acceptable cost and latency. The comprehensive experiments on real-world industry data and online A/B testing validate the superiority of our proposal and the effectiveness of its main modules.


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Field Extraction from Forms with Unlabeled Data
Mingfei Gao | Zeyuan Chen | Nikhil Naik | Kazuma Hashimoto | Caiming Xiong | Ran Xu
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Semiparametric Methods in NLP: Decoupling Logic from Knowledge

We propose a novel framework to conduct field extraction from forms with unlabeled data. To bootstrap the training process, we develop a rule-based method for mining noisy pseudo-labels from unlabeled forms. Using the supervisory signal from the pseudo-labels, we extract a discriminative token representation from a transformer-based model by modeling the interaction between text in the form. To prevent the model from overfitting to label noise, we introduce a refinement module based on a progressive pseudo-label ensemble. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework.