We investigate approaches to classifying texts into either conspiracy theory or mainstream using the Language Of Conspiracy (LOCO) corpus. Since conspiracy theories are not monolithic constructs, we need to identify approaches that robustly work in an out-of- domain setting (i.e., across conspiracy topics). We investigate whether optimal in-domain set- tings can be transferred to out-of-domain set- tings, and we investigate different methods for bleaching to steer classifiers away from words typical for an individual conspiracy theory. We find that BART works better than an SVM, that we can successfully classify out-of-domain, but there are no clear trends in how to choose the best source training domains. Addition- ally, bleaching only topic words works better than bleaching all content words or completely delexicalizing texts.
Conspiracy theories have found a new channel on the internet and spread by bringing together like-minded people, thus functioning as an echo chamber. The new 88-million word corpus Language of Conspiracy (LOCO) was created with the intention to provide a text collection to study how the language of conspiracy differs from mainstream language. We use this corpus to develop a robust annotation scheme that will allow us to distinguish between documents containing conspiracy language and documents that do not contain any conspiracy content or that propagate conspiracy theories via misinformation (which we explicitly disregard in our work). We find that focusing on indicators of a belief in a conspiracy combined with textual cues of conspiracy language allows us to reach a substantial agreement (based on Fleiss’ kappa and Krippendorff’s alpha). We also find that the automatic retrieval methods used to collect the corpus work well in finding mainstream documents, but include some documents in the conspiracy category that would not belong there based on our definition.
Inducing semantic representations directly from speech signals is a highly challenging task but has many useful applications in speech mining and spoken language understanding. This study tackles the unsupervised learning of semantic representations for spoken utterances. Through converting speech signals into hidden units generated from acoustic unit discovery, we propose WavEmbed, a multimodal sequential autoencoder that predicts hidden units from a dense representation of speech. Secondly, we also propose S-HuBERT to induce meaning through knowledge distillation, in which a sentence embedding model is first trained on hidden units and passes its knowledge to a speech encoder through contrastive learning. The best performing model achieves a moderate correlation (0.5 0.6) with human judgments, without relying on any labels or transcriptions. Furthermore, these models can also be easily extended to leverage textual transcriptions of speech to learn much better speech embeddings that are strongly correlated with human annotations. Our proposed methods are applicable to the development of purely data-driven systems for speech mining, indexing and search.
High quality distributional models can capture lexical and semantic relations between words. Hence, researchers design various intrinsic tasks to test whether such relations are captured. However, most of the intrinsic tasks are designed for modern languages, and there is a lack of evaluation methods for distributional models of historical corpora. In this paper, we conducted BAHP: a benchmark of assessing word embeddings in Historical Portuguese, which contains four types of tests: analogy, similarity, outlier detection, and coherence. We examined word2vec models generated from two historical Portuguese corpora in these four test sets. The results demonstrate that our test sets are capable of measuring the quality of vector space models and can provide a holistic view of the model’s ability to capture syntactic and semantic information. Furthermore, the methodology for the creation of our test sets can be easily extended to other historical languages.
In this study, we study language change in Chinese Biji by using a classification task: classifying Ancient Chinese texts by time periods. Specifically, we focus on a unique genre in classical Chinese literature: Biji (literally “notebook” or “brush notes”), i.e., collections of anecdotes, quotations, etc., anything authors consider noteworthy, Biji span hundreds of years across many dynasties and conserve informal language in written form. For these reasons, they are regarded as a good resource for investigating language change in Chinese (Fang, 2010). In this paper, we create a new dataset of 108 Biji across four dynasties. Based on the dataset, we first introduce a time period classification task for Chinese. Then we investigate different feature representation methods for classification. The results show that models using contextualized embeddings perform best. An analysis of the top features chosen by the word n-gram model (after bleaching proper nouns) confirms that these features are informative and correspond to observations and assumptions made by historical linguists.
The advent of natural language understanding (NLU) benchmarks for English, such as GLUE and SuperGLUE allows new NLU models to be evaluated across a diverse set of tasks. These comprehensive benchmarks have facilitated a broad range of research and applications in natural language processing (NLP). The problem, however, is that most such benchmarks are limited to English, which has made it difficult to replicate many of the successes in English NLU for other languages. To help remedy this issue, we introduce the first large-scale Chinese Language Understanding Evaluation (CLUE) benchmark. CLUE is an open-ended, community-driven project that brings together 9 tasks spanning several well-established single-sentence/sentence-pair classification tasks, as well as machine reading comprehension, all on original Chinese text. To establish results on these tasks, we report scores using an exhaustive set of current state-of-the-art pre-trained Chinese models (9 in total). We also introduce a number of supplementary datasets and additional tools to help facilitate further progress on Chinese NLU. Our benchmark is released at https://www.cluebenchmarks.com
In this study, we investigate the use of Brown clustering for offensive language detection. Brown clustering has been shown to be of little use when the task involves distinguishing word polarity in sentiment analysis tasks. In contrast to previous work, we train Brown clusters separately on positive and negative sentiment data, but then combine the information into a single complex feature per word. This way of representing words results in stable improvements in offensive language detection, when used as the only features or in combination with words or character n-grams. Brown clusters add important information, even when combined with words or character n-grams or with standard word embeddings in a convolutional neural network. However, we also found different trends between the two offensive language data sets we used.
This paper describes the UM-IU@LING’s system for the SemEval 2019 Task 6: Offens-Eval. We take a mixed approach to identify and categorize hate speech in social media. In subtask A, we fine-tuned a BERT based classifier to detect abusive content in tweets, achieving a macro F1 score of 0.8136 on the test data, thus reaching the 3rd rank out of 103 submissions. In subtasks B and C, we used a linear SVM with selected character n-gram features. For subtask C, our system could identify the target of abuse with a macro F1 score of 0.5243, ranking it 27th out of 65 submissions.
This paper describes the IUCL system at VarDial 2019 evaluation campaign for the task of discriminating between Mainland and Taiwan variation of mandarin Chinese. We first build several base classifiers, including a Naive Bayes classifier with word n-gram as features, SVMs with both character and syntactic features, and neural networks with pre-trained character/word embeddings. Then we adopt ensemble methods to combine output from base classifiers to make final predictions. Our ensemble models achieve the highest F1 score (0.893) in simplified Chinese track and the second highest (0.901) in traditional Chinese track. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the ensemble methods.