EAMT Workshop: Improving MT through other language technology tools: resources and tools for building MT

Anthology ID:
April 13
Budapest, Hungary
European Association for Machine Translation
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Controlled generation for speech-to-speech MT systems
Arendse Bernth

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EasyEnglish: challenges in cross-cultural communication
Robert Betts

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Data-assisted controlled translation
Michael Carl

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Tuning general translation knowledge to a sublanguage
Michael Carl | Philippe Langlais

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Customizing an MT system for unsupervised automatic email translation
Salvador Climent | Joaquim Moré | Antoni Oliver

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Adapting finite-state translation to the TransType2 project
Elsa Cubel | Jorge González | Antonio Lagarda | Francisco Casacuberta | Alfons Juan | Enrique Vidal

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Using monolingual corpora for statistical machine translation: the METIS system
Yannis Dologlou | Stella Markantonatou | George Tambouratzis | Olga Yannoutsou | Athanassia Fourla | Nikos Iannou

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Coordination, incorporation and dynamic semantic representation in transfer
Kurt Eberle

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Multilingual cataloguing of product information of specific domains: case Mkbeem system
Aarno Lehtola | Jarno Tenni | Tuula Käpylä

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Diagnostics for interactive controlled language checking
Teruko Mitamura | Kathryn Baker | Eric Nyberg | David Svoboda

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Grammatical metaphor, controlled language and machine translation
Margrethe Møller

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Controlling controlled English
Sharon O’Brien

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Multilingual generation of controlled languages
Richard Power | Donia Scott | Anthony Hartley

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Two in one – can it work? Readability and translatability by means of controlled language
Ursula Reuther

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A specification and validating parser for simplified technical Spanish
Remedios Ruiz Cascales | Richard F. E. Sutcliffe

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MT post-editing: how to shed light on the “unknown task”. Experiences at SAP.
Falko Schäfer

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ECOLE: a look-ahead editor of controlled language
Ralf Schwitter | Anna Ljungberg | David Hood

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A controlled language at Airbus
Laurent Spaggiari | Florence Beaujard | Emmanuelle Cannesson

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Mind your language! Controlled language for inference purposes
Jana Sukkarieh

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Making term extraction tools usable
Gregor Thurmair

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At last translation automation becomes a reality: an anthology of the translation market
Jaap van der Meer

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Evaluating specifications for controlled Greek
Marina Vassiliou | Stella Markantonatou | Yanis Maistros | Vangelis Karkaletsis

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Menu choice translation: a flexible menu-based controlled natural language system
Cristina Vertan | Walther von Hahn