Proceedings of the 10th EAMT Conference: Practical applications of machine translation

Anthology ID:
May 30–31
Budapest, Hungary
European Association for Machine Translation
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Bente Maegaard

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The Language Translation Interface
Dominique Estival

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Codified close translation as a standard for MT
Lars Ahrenberg

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Machine translation for Catalan↔Spanish: the real case for productive MT
Juan Alberto Alonso

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Building a conversation corpus by text derivation from “germ dialogs”
Naoki Asanoma | Setsuo Yamada | Osamu Furuse | Masahiro Oku

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Comparison of generation strategies for interactive machine translation
Oliver Bender | Saša Hasan | David Vilar | Richard Zens | Hermann Ney

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Are we making ourselves clear? Terminology management and machine translation at Volkswagen
Ulrike Bernardi | Andras Bocsak | Jörg Porsiel

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A generic multi-lingual open source platform for limited-domain medical speech translation
Pierrette Bouillon | Manny Rayner | Nikos Chatzichrisafis | Beth Ann Hockey | Marianne Santaholma | Marianne Starlander | Yukie Nakao | Kyoko Kanzaki | Hitoshi Isahara

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A compact data structure for searchable translation memories
Chris Callison-Burch | Colin Bannard | Josh Schroeder

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Using template-grammars for shake & bake paraphrasing
Michael Carl | Ecaterina Rascu | Paul Schmidt

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Prague Czech-English dependency treebank: resource for structure-based MT
Martin Čmejrek | Jan Cuřín | Jan Hajič | Jiří Havelka

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An open-source shallow-transfer machine translation engine for the Romance languages of Spain
Antonio M. Corbi-Bellot | Mikel L. Forcada | Sergio Ortíz-Rojas | Juan Antonio Pérez-Ortiz | Gema Ramírez-Sánchez | Felipe Sánchez-Martínez | Iñaki Alegria | Aingeru Mayor | Kepa Sarasola

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A framework for interactive and automatic refinement of transfer-based machine translation
Ariadna Font Llitjós | Jaime G. Carbonell | Alon Lavie

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Extraction of translation equivalents from parallel corpora using sense-sensitive contexts
Pablo Gamallo Otero

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Sentence-level MT evaluation without reference translations: beyond language modeling
Michael Gamon | Anthony Aue | Martine Smets

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Target language preposition selection – an experiment with transformation based learning and aligned bilingual data
Ebba Gustavii

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Clustered language models based on regular expressions for SMT
Saša Hasan | Hermann Ney

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Augmenting a statistical translation system with a translation memory
Sanjika Hewavitharana | Stephan Vogel | Alex Waibel

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Adaptation of the translation model for statistical machine translation based on information retrieval
Almut Silja Hildebrand | Matthias Eck | Stephan Vogel | Alex Waibel

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Multi-engine machine translation guided by explicit word matching
Shyamsundar Jayaraman | Alon Lavie

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Symmetric probabilistic alignment for example-based translation
Jae Dong Kim | Ralf D. Brown | Peter J. Jansen | Jaime G. Carbonell

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An experiment in MT post-editing by a class of intermediate/advanced French majors
Michael Kliffer

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From the real world to real words: the METEO case
Philippe Langlais | Thomas Leplus | Simona Gandrabur | Guy Lapalme

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The MT developer/provider and the global corporation
Terence Lewis | Rudolf M. Meier

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Efficient statistical machine translation with constrained reordering
Evgeny Matusov | Stephan Kanthak | Hermann Ney

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TransBooster: boosting the performance of wide-coverage machine translation systems
Bart Mellebeek | Anna Khasin | Josef Van Genabith | Andy Way

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Holistic regression testing for high-quality MT: some methodological and technological reflections
Stephan Oepen | Helge Dyvik | Dan Flickinger | Jan Tore Lønning | Paul Meurer | Victoria Rosén

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Building a WSD module within an MT system to enable interactive resolution in the user’s source language
Constantin Orasan | Ted Marshall | Robert Clark | Le An Ha | Ruslan Mitkov

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Exploiting phrasal lexica and additional morpho-syntactic language resources for statistical machine translation with scarce training data
Maja Popovic | Hermann Ney

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An approach to machine translation via the rule-to-rule hypothesis
Gábor Prószéky

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Linguistic representation of Finnish in a limited domain speech-to-speech translation system
Marianne Santaholma

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Integrating CAT and MT in AnglaBhart-II architecture
K. Sinha | R. Mahesh

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Translation divergence in English-Hindi MT
K. Sinha | R. Mahesh | Anil Thakur

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Lexicon-coding workflow at CLS Communication
Hans-Udo Stadler

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Application of word-level confidence measures in interactive statistical machine translation
Nicola Ueffing | Hermann Ney

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Considerations in maximum mutual information and minimum classification error training for statistical machine translation
Ashish Vengupol | Stephan Vogel

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Sentence segmentation using IBM word alignment model 1
Jia Xu | Richard Zens | Hermann Ney

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Initial considerations in building a speech-to-speech translation system for the Slovenian-English language pair
J. Žganec Gros | A. Mihelič | M. Žganec | F. Mihelič | S. Dobrišek | J. Žibert | Š. Vintar | T. Korošec | T. Erjavec | M. Romih

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An efficient phrase-to-phrase alignment model for arbitrarily long phrase and large corpora
Ying Zhang | Stephan Vogel