Proceedings of Translating and the Computer 36
- Anthology ID:
- Month:
- November 27-28
- Year:
- 2014
- Address:
- London, UK
- Venue:
- TC
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- AsLing
- URL:
- DOI:
Filling in the gaps: what we need from TM subsegment recall
Kevin Flanagan
Almost fifty years after the (first?) ALPAC report
Gábor Prószéky
Beyond prescription: what empirical studies are telling us about localization crowdsourcing
Miguel A. Jiménez Crespo
Using cross-language information retrieval and statistical language modelling in example-based machine translation
Nasredine Semmar
Othman Zennaki
Meriama Laib
Representing intra- and interlingual terminological variation in a new type of translation resource: a prototype proposal
Koen Kerremans
iCompileCorpora: a web-based application to semi-automatically compile multilingual comparable corpora
Hernani Costa
Gloria Corpas Pastor
Miriam Seghiri
Terminology management revisited
Nizar Ghoula
Jacques Guyot
Gilles Falquet
Rule-based automatic post-processing of SMT output to reduce human post-editing effort
Victoria Porro
Johanna Gerlach
Pierrette Bouillon
Violeta Seretan
Quality assurance process in translation
Jerzy Czopik
Intelligent translation memory matching and retrieval metric exploiting linguistic technology
Rohit Gupta
Hanna Bechara
Constantin Orasan
Improving fuzzy matching through syntactic knowledge
Tom Vanallemeersch
Vincent Vandeghinste
Integrating machine translation (MT) in the higher education of translators and technical writers
Marion Wittkowsky
MateCat: free, a new business model for CAT tools
Alessandro Cattelan
Top-down or bottom-up: what do industry approaches to translation quality mean for effective integration of standards and tools?
Joanna Drugan
Getting the best out of a mixed bag
Terence Lewis
Terminology finding in the Sketch Engine: an evaluation
Adam Kilgarriff
Translation tools are TOOLS. How do we make the most of them?
Angelika Zerfass
Machine translation quality estimation adapted to the translation workflow
Sabine Hunsicker
Alexandru Ceausu
The dos and don’ts of XML document localization
Andrzej Zydroń
Quality evaluation today: the Dynamic Quality Framework
Far from the maddening crowd: integrating collaborative translation technologies into healthcare services in the developing world
Erin Lyons
Is machine translation ready for literature
Antonio Toral
Andy Way
A tool for building multilingual voice questionnaires
Alejandro Armando
Pierrette Bouillon
Manny Rayner
Nikos Tsourakis
Translating implicit elements in RBMT
Irina Burukina
Losses and gains in computer-assisted translation: some remarks on online translation of English to Malay
Mozhgan Ghassemiazghandi
Tengku Sepora Tengku Mahadi
Affective impact of the use of technology on employed language specialists: an exploratory qualitative study
Anne Marie Taravella
Solving terminology problems more quickly with ‘IntelliWebSearch (Almost) Unlimited’
Michael Farrell
Twitter Crowd Translation – design and objectives
Eduard Šubert
Ondřej Bojar
SMT for restricted sublanguage in CAT tool context at the European Parliament
Najeh Hajlaoui
Task-based teaching of computer-aided translation in a progressive manner
Jessica Xiangyu Liu